4k projector scoping

Sofa is just below, you can see the tip of the right hand arm at the bottom of the picture.

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Dunno, I used the method of buy the one that my wife wants and fit everything around that. Honestly telly isn’t that important to me I’m just trying to figure out the art of the possible.

Its only a small step up from the tape deck to one of these, DP70 70mm projector.

If Richard Attenborough could have one in his home I can’t see why @crimsondonkey couldn’t.


You will just have to draw it out. For instance my projector can shift 34% sideways, so for my 106” screen it can be 36” to one side. And 80% in the vertical.

I reckon that this might be the way. Some do this ok.

32" telly on the coffee table then. We have one in the kitchen that weighs very little. When you aren’t wanting to watch Gogglebox you could put it in a different place.

Handy tip: the closer you sit to it the bigger it will appear.




Room looks spot on Wayne👍

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This looks nice.

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This should be arriving today.

Richer Sounds deal - £1,999 if you’re a member


Up and running (sort of)

These short throw laser projectors are a right twat to setup, the slightest movement and the picture goes off massively. Think I might have to get a centre speaker type stand for it, was hoping I could just plonk it on the coffee table but oh fucking no!

Picture is good though


Bring the lv bass unit in,and buy another pair of LVs for surround sound


Hahaha right, donut award goes to me, finally looked at the manual for the projector and min screen size is 100 inches and max is 130 inches. Explains why I couldn’t get the image correct on my 92 inch screen :rofl: :mag_right: :mag_right: :mag_right: :mag_right:

All credit to richersounds though, they are taking back the old one and I’m paying the difference in cost to go up to a 122 inch screen. Would have gone for a 130 inch screen but the room isn’t wide enough for it :astonished:


in and working at the min 100 inch projection :slight_smile:


Very nice :ok_hand: