If I was to have a stab at it…
Pink Floyd
Stone Roses
Bob Dylan
Of that five Oasis are by far the worst musically but by far the most significant as they really opened my ears to the Indie music scene which led me on a long road of over 25years of gigs and still going strong. Before them I was listening to either 60s/70s music or hardcore techno.
Musical influences come from so many directions. In their earliest form probably from my parents. Later as an Olympic masturbator during puberty I loved porno funk. The mix above is a nice example.
Similar’ish. I bought my first separates very early 80s age 17 / 18 or so. It’s interesting to see how the early years affect (or not) the stuff we post now.
[[quote=“Ruprecht, post:9, topic:14855”]
Musical influences come from so many directions. In their earliest form probably from my parents. Later as an Olympic masturbator during puberty I loved porno funk. The mix above is a nice example.
Interesting, I never associated masturbating with music. Obviously led a sheltered existence.
Over the decades, I’ve been through various phases, some very long. Sometimes there’s some overlap for a while but eventually I stop playing what went before. I continually move on to new music although there are a few albums that remain firm friends.
I got a twin deck Sashio ghetto from dixons for my tenth birthday and some blank cassettes. I taped the charts. First Album I bought was The Joshua Tree on cassette with birthday cash not long after.