AAAC 6/11/18 Radio Galaxy - NDYMBY

This weeks selection from the kid in the class of '98 voted “least likely to ever choose a hip hop album for the AAAC”.

I particularly enjoy “Space Whips” and “Light Hops”. It’s pretty short. I think the shortness tempts you to hit play again- you may not.

Bandcamp tags sum it up pretty well
experimental hip hop r&b rap soul alternative eletronic experimental hip-hop soul synth pop Houston

Direct your complaints here: they are ultimately responsible.

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Even by AAAC standards this is a quiet thread.:frowning_face:

I forgot about this so listened to it on the way into work this morning. I am usually happy to give anything a try once, but this just doesn’t do it for me. 0/5 and I didn’t make it through it all. Sorry* @NAM but the MEH! Is strong with this one.

*I’m not really sorry.

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Nope, way to close to being soul for me to get excited about this. There are a few moments that started to get me interested before they petered out. I should probably add that I’ve never been that fussed about lyrics and meaning in the music I listen to, and they seem to be the driving force behind a lot of hip hop, so this was probably always going to be a stretch for me

It’s shit !

Feel better now :smirk:


2.5 mehs out of 5. Not offensive, but very easy to venn diagram the obvious influences and it doesn’t really add anything to the sum total of musical innovation.