AAAC - Tues 8th Nov, Rival Sons - Pressure and Time

With an engine noise of a 1.4 in full flow,no music is required

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There is quite enough unpleasant festering going on in my innards currently. It is bad enough being a bit yellow around the edges with being assaulted with the greeny-browny-yuck that is the Rival Sons.


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I fear the yellow tinged one doth protest too much.

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No, but I think the lead singer is wearing your hair Bob.

Lets rock

Fair enough, here is something from the 1970ā€™s that kicks a bit of ass. The message is topical for those depressed by the Rival Sons and Bobā€™s Tsunami of trash:

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Like it, reminds me of The Black Crowes.

Pressure and Time is literally just the first three notes of Out On the Tiles. :smiley:

But what a three notes !

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I like the Ramones, well their first LP. At the time I was moreā€¦

Hmm, I listened to this earlier today and thought Iā€™d stumbled upon a half decent Led Zep/Deep Purple hybrid tribute band.

Listening again that impression is being forcibly reinforced.

Absolutely nothing original here but with a couple of beers inside me and cranking the volume up a bit, it is now quite fun in a loud bluesy fuzzboxy overdriven Les Paul sort of way. Some good riffs and stuff, but nothing mind-blowingly great.

For some reason the first track reminds me of The Osmonds ā€œCrazy Horsesā€.

I think Iā€™d quite enjoy this lot if they were playing in a pub on a Saturday night, but Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d want to pay actual money to see themā€¦


This is to music as Mc Murders is to cuisine, a load of Donald :poop:

Not a genre I normally listen to but I was pleasantly surprised. Very derivative but great fun. 3.5/5

Not so much a nod towards Zep, more of a full head-bobbing band covering unreleased material.

But they are actually good, and the album is enjoyable because it somehow pulls off a trick of not sounding hackneyed.

Ok this, not bad but as others have said, if in the mood for this sort of thing I would be more likely to put on the classic rock records itā€™s derived from instead.