AI music

So here’s a completely AI created (Art & sound) fictional Funk LP

Your thoughts …

In some places the arrangements are almost too elaborate/complex where someone like Isaac Hayes would’ve known where enough was enough. Also, & I haven’t listened to all of it, there are no real highs, no emotional summits, so it can seem a bit of a pointless & soulless dirge. But all of that will no doubt come.

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I’m completely against this thing in every way.


Obligatory quote.


It’s almost endearing, the gulf between it trying to sound human and it failing & not even being aware that it has fallen short or why.
Funk, as a medium shows it up very well. There has to be a purpose.

Some of it would make good incidental music for a New York or Chicago based cop show of the time though.

It is rather like an average of elements compressed into a predictable non de script clag with poor ear feel.

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How can you have intelligence without desire or self awareness? Even tech bros seem to have a ravening desire for wealth. Funk by its very name is rooted in primal bodily desires.

Music played with these hands:

There was a time in the mid-late '70s that R&B / Soul / Funk (all sounded alike to me) dominated the airwaves. It was self-indulgent, production-line, formulaic, me-too, imitative, cash-in crapola repeated ad nauseam.

Now don’t get me wrong - I like pornography, but I don’t necessarily want its soundtrack to be the constant and only backdrop to every waking minute of every day, not even when I was a 14 year old fap-based lifeform…

I fucking hated that shit. Thank fuck for punk. I’ve since grown-up a little (and grown old a lot), and learned to appreciate a multiplicity of genres I once passionately despised.

But not funk. I still hate it. It bores me into a fucking coma.

BUT it was a lot better than this bloodless fake plastic crap.

This is Chinese elevator music.

You now those ones that basically eat people in their faulty mechanisms?


Sadly, it’s the future anyway, no matter what irritable old cunts like me think of it - most people use music as a form of insulating-mild-anaesthesia to blot the rest of the world out - this is perfect for that.

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If you replaced the word Funk with Punk, then I could have written that missive*.

*Obvs leaving out the Chinese bit, etc…

Codgers gonna codge… :smirk:


You can funk off!