I wonder if that is taken on the terrace of the Rambagh Palace? It was certainly his home for a while. I have stayed at the Rambagh Palace Hotel in Jaipur.
Looking at another picture of her taken in 1984 in roughly the same spot I’d say yes.
Apparently Woolworths in portobello road 79. Though I’d say it’s more 75 looking at Branson man. Looks like mr kiplings on the left
Oof those heels
I can almost smell the Gallouises
SP: ?
Not sure about the smelling but it sounds OK
Probably my favourite painter.
I can understand why - it’s now my desktop pic and I still can’t get away with how luminous the sky is.
Memories of my misspent youth there, Al.
I did wonder if you might’ve been about for it Gareth
Misspent ? I don’t think so.
I guess you had to be there