About as boring as a thread gets, need 12 plugs not sure if it’s better to crimp or solder. Don’t want anything foo or faff just whatever works, what do you recommend
I like the screw type Z plugs
Nice link
Nice edit
I have used this type, they work well and are cheap. Always a good tight fit with the springy bit, sorry to get so technical, not the best strain relief but serviceable.
Edit: Kev got there first
Try this one
Don’t solder - it’s a bit of an arseache getting the plug plus relatively heavy-gauge wire hot-enough to make a good solder joint, and in doing so you usually fuck the insulation on the cable and make the brass of the plug more brittle - crimp-on is best.
I’d sort of agree, but only if you have the means to do a decent crimp. To do that needs a proper tool with suitable dies that can apply the necessary force.
I was lumping screw-clamp stuff in with ‘crimp’, but f’sure you’re right.
Yeah, the screw on types are probably the safest bet. I’d still crimp ferrules on to the cables in that case though.
Problem there is some ferrules are nasty bits of tinplated brass, and you still need a decent crimping tool - puts it a bit beyond the less-(should-be)-committed.
One of the reasons I liked the Van Damme 6.0mm speaker cable is you could put a good tight twist on it and clamp it really securely in even the widest plugs - quick squirt of Caig, give it a good wiggle - tighten-up the screws that had magically loosened, and job done.
Yeah, doing it properly is a bit involved. I bought myself a ferrule crimper a while back - brilliant for doing any kind of connections like mains plugs.
Like you say the trick is to get the right size cable/plug combo and to get the screws tight enough.
Yep, that’s where I like to use 'em, nice quality copper bootlace ferrules, and a square or hex crimp: satisfying! No dodgy spiderlegs causing a dangerous short, and means you can belt the screws up tight, and even if they loosen a little, the deformed ferrule holds the cable in place
I have bought from compass audio a few times recently…he seems like a good guy.
I used the plain z type gold plated connectors with heat shrink…I solder the connection because I don’t have a suitable crimp tool.
I have been buying speaker cables and interconnects from him for years.
Will build anything you like, type of cable, type of connector, cable length.
If it isn’t on the website just email for a quote
Decent quality OFC cable, at a decent price
Didn’t expect this many replies
I do have ferrules and a crimper, but nothing to do the banana plugs properly. Might go ferrules and screw clamping ones. Then solder it to piss off @Mrs_Maureen_OPinion
haven’t actually used plugs for a while now, I just strip the wire back and screw it direct to the amp and speaker terminals.
Knock yourself out mate - it’ll piss you off plenty more than it will me