Brexit - Creating a Cuntocracy - Now with 4d chess option

I doubt that Doris has helped (in either place)

At least the Brexit vote had a decent turnout - they might as well have drawn straws for this by-election.:roll_eyes:

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Yes, having national, popular support, implementing broadly socialist policies and winning three general elections totally did for Labour.

Honestly, what a load of shit.


Just seen this story on the bbc website front page

Good choice. Youā€™re clearly a gentleman with a first-rate analytical mind and peerless clarity of thought.

From the Stoke result:

The Incredible Flying Brick, Official Monster Raving Loony Party, 127

David Furness, British National Party Local People First, 124

Oh well, thatā€™s Labour and UKIP fucked. May will go for an election now surely.

Nothing in the least suspicious about a 23 yr old being handed Ā£625,000 of ā€˜discretionaryā€™ funding.

I see the penny has finally dropped for Dave Prentis.

Heā€™s woken up to the fact heā€™d rather have a Labour government rather than some useless idealogue as leader with ā€˜Principlesā€™ whoā€™s as much use as a 30-day old wanksock.

I donā€™t think there is a problem with a leader who has principles, even left wing ones. They just need someone who can lead.

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Lol,thatā€™s about spot on. Iā€™m nicking that to post on PFMā€¦

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Wonā€™t look half as good over there. :slight_smile:

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Planted it over there now on one of the hand wringing threads. Off to the pub now so will see what transpires laterā€¦

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What about that slag Doris! The weather will happen in EVERY bi-election. Doris was a right wing special blow.

Weā€™ve all had our Doris Day. :slight_smile:


Haha, I would do 10 likes on that if I could.

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From the German carnival linked in the Trump thread.