Brexit - Creating a Cuntocracy - Now with 4d chess option

He really does need kicking and kicking until there’s nothing left except a slug trail.


And then pour salt on it til nothing is left

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I don’t think so.

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Don’t care

Lovely reference to Blake’s 7 :joy:

Except that Servalan was quite fit, whereas May is just grey and only attractive to the kind of deviant personality that fancied Thatcher.

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I like to think of her when I get a bit excited during naughty cuddles.


Grey Delay Spray


The cunt knows no shame.

Tbh it takes all feckin night to get the fella up, and there is bugger all feeling left after years of furious masturbation. So I have no issues delaying anything. Trying to stay awake seems to be the issue, or lack thereof.

He only uses it when he’s fixing someone’s kit :+1:

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I heard he needs one of his electron microscopes to find what to aim it at…

I thought you didn’t have any pets. :slight_smile:


I has cats. But I don’t do naughty cuddles with them. That would be quite wrong.


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Well, it’s finally destroy the country day.

Well done fuckwits.


Here is a long rant I’ve just posted on Facebook…

The EU has been a deeply imperfect entity for as long as it has existed. The agriculture and fisheries policies have been incredibly wasteful and failed to protect the environment as well as I would have liked. Its inability to produce audited accounts is deeply troubling. The need to decant the whole institution to Strasbourg, just so the French feel they get a piece of the action, is simply absurd. I could go on.

But it’s done so much good. The notion of war in Europe is now completely inconceivable. It has done more for the poor and less developed parts of our country than any UK government. It has forced upon us standards of hygiene, safety, conservation and environmentalism that no UK government would consider. I could go on for a lot longer.

And now we are leaving. But not because of any of the problems with the EU.

We’re leaving because Brits are arrogant, and think that our country should be ‘great again’. Britain was great in that way when the majority of its population worked incredibly hard in appalling conditions and died young, our foreign slaves had it even worse, and we oppressed the countries that made up our empire. Only a very small minority of Brits had a ‘great’ time, but they are the ones that we think of.

We’re leaving because Brits are racist, and are threatened by those that come here looking for jobs or a better life. Never mind that the reason we have better jobs may be that we plundered their country to make ours great, or that our racist society means that those with the right skin tone and accent will still have better employment prospects if they can be bothered to work.

We’re leaving because Brits are selfish, and want to keep our pleasant life to ourselves and not let others partake. We didn’t earn it, but we want to keep it. A fluke of birth means we deserve it, after all.

Brexit has brought out all of the bad things about this country. I loathe it. There is no plausible outcome from it that won’t be dreadful, and it doesn’t even have the get-out of being a well intentioned failure. It’s a terrible decision, driven by loathsome arguments that will have a disastrous outcome. Fuck Brexit.


This, I’m afraid. But we’re not unique in this regard. In fact I’d guess we’re pretty typical. Accidents of history are older than history. The Romans and the Saxons and the Vikings and the Normans all invaded this place (or at least parts of it) and imposed their will on the residents. More recently the Portuguese and the Spanish and the Dutch and the French and we did it elsewhere. It was one of the things that states did. Off the top of my head I can think of several individuals and even a few institutions which have given away enough of their resource in the name of achieving genuine equality. But I can’t think of a single state that ever has (maybe West Germany after they ‘acquired’ East Germany ?).

UK people are quite generous when it comes to charitable giving. The UK state isn’t unusually mean in terms of its foreign aid budget (although like everyone else it’s prone to skewing its aid to benefit itself as well as the recipients). But the idea that we’d lower our standard of living to meet that of people who need ‘our’ money more than we do really isn’t a viable one in an elective democracy. People will settle for slow forward progress (or even no progress under ‘austerity’). But they’re very resistant to going backwards.


The whole of the UK tomorrow: