Brexit - Creating a Cuntocracy - Now with 4d chess option

They’ve got it.

May still still reading from the script.

Even bigger twatting for the Govt. The Grieve amendment passed by 321 votes to 299 - a majority of 22.

GE coming. My friend the Prof of Politics reckons this was also a dry run for the ‘meaningful vote’. We are in ‘interesting times’.


Why would the govt call one?

What else can they call - numberwang?


They don’t need to call a GE, so why would they?

If they lose the meaningful vote there will be a confidence vote. They do not have the DUP so are fecked on Confidence and Supply. Can’t see May lasting and can’t see any new leader getting the confidence of the HoC.

EDIT: Of course times are mad so something crazy could happen.

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I don’t think they will, and I don’t think the DUP want to go that route either, so they may actually win a confidence vote, despite being soundly fucked up the arse on the only matter of importance in government right now. Strange times indeed!

Come on Mark, they are dead and buried.

The Tories won’t risk their fantasy Brexit against Labour’s fantasy Brexit. 2nd ref incoming.


But the Tories will own the fuck up costs in any future election. Can’t see the Govt lasting the 9 months or so until the 2nd referendum. Get a weak Labour Govt in for a single term seems much better than 3 terms in opposition.

So the government that instigated a referendum, lost but decided to push through the result anyway are now going to call for a 2nd referendum? Fuck I hope they do, that could kill off the Tory party for my time left on this planet.


There will be one hell of a shit storm tomorrow when that advice is released in full.

If I was May I’d be resigning tonight and taking a 6 month holiday somewhere quiet and sunny.


My head is spinning.

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Mine too!

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I might actually watch the news tonight

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Farage resigns from UKIP! Marvelous, now if would just fuck off out of it things might start looking up.

Armageddon (Armagammon???:wink:) day for Brexit so far.


Farage doing his usual “no-one’s looking at me” routine.


I wonder how May voted in the contempt vote. Could have been yes, I reckon she must be full of self-loathing.