Build your own 747

Have no funds or skills

Nob skills required


Was that a Phil Collins album?


This is why I’m going down the route of full instruction manual and support :slight_smile:

You are confusing it with one of his best selling solo albums ‘No Talent Required’


The 747 Pre Nob landed precariously (Within a Liddles bag for life) dans le junk shop (A.K.A Mr. MWS’s office / lair / sanctum) this morning. Cake was eaten for sustenance and fortitude before attempting to install the gleaming Chinese wonder which required balancing / stretching and generally navigating the disarray of wires, contraptions and booby traps that form the fatalistic birds nest Mr. MWS calls a system. Fortunately Guy has a brain and so with only mild cursing the Nob was ready to pound.

Initial impression:

If this thread did not exist and Guy had simply turned up today with ‘something knocked up over the weekend’ I would have said this unit sounded like a £2-3K pre for the simple reason that it does. As a confirmed idiot I am technically incapable of understanding fully the brilliance of the M77 Pre’s circuitry. The conclusion I can draw however is that with ZERO Foo in the equation, the M77’s circuit and it’s Chinese printed board copy is very good indeed.

At first we set the Nob 747 up on some Townshend feet. It seemed amusing to note the feet cost more than the PRE, I am currently using a pair of Lowther TP1’s which are not fully run in and the sound I have been questionably enjoying the last week or so has been sub par to say the least. With the Nob at the helm it was simple to note a clear and significant improvement. The M77 design is very capable indeed


Cake is one way of describing it. A profoundly dense chocolate fudge is another, The brick I ate will require a good hour’s worth of vigorous indoor rowing to work off. It was delicious though. An entertaining hour with Mr MWS where the conversation roamed through subjects as diverse as pizza ovens, crack cocaine and obscure 60’s mouth organists. A worthwhile morning all told.


How many of these terms are euphemisms ?

  1. None
  2. One
  3. Two
  4. All of them

EDIT: I carefully numbered these from 0. to 3. but the b!00dy forum software renumbered them !


Nob cake…

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You could always market it as:

“Guys personal Nob Precum”

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Big question is: If you can build one of these for three hundred odd quid, why do AN charge thirty grand?

Two answers crop to mind:

  1. Because they can
  2. Because it hasn’t occurred to them to charge forty grand yet.

Probably because at retail it would be £2-3k as Matt says.

The M77 is full of tantalum resistors, silver capsand wire.while I’m sure this is a nice, good value pre, I doubt Guy is claiming that this sounds the same as the full on M77.


Fixt - to prevent others from falling for the lies you try to tell yourself :nerd:


Does too much indoor rowing make you go blind?


In many countries there is dealer & distributor margin involved which will mean that the manufacturer themselves will get a good deal less than a half of that figure. The custom made components, wiring, copper chassis etc do not come cheap & will be making a contribution to the end result. It must also take a good while for skilled individuals to actually assemble each one which will again add significantly to the production cost. It’s not as if AN will have a production line churning the M77 out. Each one will be made to order.

All this is is the basic circuit executed well enough with fairly prosaic components. It will lack the ultimate finesse of the real thing and it’s that (along with exclusivity, pride of ownership etc) which well heeled individuals will pay the extra for. But this does give a taste of what the real thing does as the circuit obviously has some clear attributes.

Not everyone even likes the M77 including some of Kondo’s own distributors. I happen to like what it does although I can hear the shortcomings as well.

I suppose the question is how far do you need to go ‘upgrading’ various components to get the optimum result?

The way the pound is against the Yen at present I’ll bet it is £40K+ these days.

Certainly he’s not. What is interesting with NOB 747 is the circuit, even in it’s most rudimentary copied / printed board avec budget components do in fact sound decent. To a layman or worse an imbecile like myself, the Nob shows the importance of good thinking (In terms of circuit) not just ‘good’ components.

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Yes, Yes I know, I was just being a twat. My wallet will soon be finding out the cost of some of those components anyway…