Car Wants (maybe once, but now just anything Jim can find on the internet. 🙄)

I can remember people hand cranking cars occasionally outside the church we’d go to on a Sunday morning back in the 60’s & early 70’s but we never had a car that needed it.

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The crank on the minx was a back up. You can just see the hole in the bumper above the number plate

Maybe we were lucky & never needed to use it.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Motoring horrors aka Edd wants

Whilst my A3 has been at the repair shop I’ve had 2 different courtesy cars - an EMach Mustang as mentioned elsewhere, and now a Mercedes A180. Despite them both being considerably more expensive than the A3 (even at the new price of the A3), I’m really looking forward to having the A3 back. It doesn’t have the array of bells and whistles that either of the courtesy cars had, but it just seems to have all the fundamentals of a car so much better sorted. Quite a few of the features on the courtesy cars just don’t work well enough to be used, in particular the adaptive cruise control on the Mustang, which was outrightly dangerous at times. And the A class feels remarkably sluggish, even when revving its tits off in “sport” mode.

I was considering trying to find an A-class when I bought the Audi, so very glad I didn’t now.


Old BL Cars stuff:

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And this:

If any of you cuntz wins the lottery, please remember how lovely I’ve been…



I fucking love this too!


The Force 7 is the one to have :+1:



:heart_eyes: lovely…

Back to wanting a Land Rover, mostly inspired by @BobC.

I really don’t get the pricing. Why are they 45k or 10k?

I mean this looks ok?

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Both of those look like good buys. The Hi-roof, in particular, has loads of potential.

An ice-cream van in the Cairngorms


Always makes me laugh when they optimistically labelled the speedo up to 110mph :rofl:

Think the most I ever got out of a 110 was 80mph downhill with the wind behind.

To be fair, it actually indicates up to 120. Maybe for when they chucked them out the back of a Hercules? :wink:

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I just don’t know enough about them to know what’s a good buy.

The prices are seemingly randomly generated.

I’d be in the same boat but the descriptions and sellers “seem” genuine which would “seem” to make them sound buys !?

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It’s almost certainly a bog-standard Lucas gauge they used in assorted Rovers and Jags and Triumphs and suchlike back in the 1960s and which L-R kept using until 2005…