Cassette deck wtd

Anyone got a decent cassette deck looking for a new home?

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I might have a nice Sony tucked away, Iā€™ll dig it out when I get home.


Nak 600 MkI ?


Needs to go in a rack Mike but cheers for the offer


Ok so I dug it out of the conservatory, itā€™s a Sony TC-K 570 which is early ā€˜90s iirc. Itā€™s in lovely condition and almost everything works, apart from it not playing, which admittedly is a bit of a problem.

Itā€™s almost certainly a belt that has self destructed, which isnā€™t a massive surprise tbh, so Iā€™ve ordered a new set which should arrive early next week.

If youā€™re not in too much of a hurry, Iā€™ll replace the belts and give it a bit of fresh lubrication during next week and let you know if itā€™s working properly?


Aiwa F-770?

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Thats lovely, but on the high side considering im only buying one to justify having a few tapes Iā€™ve had gifted.
Iā€™ve also got open reel.
This fkn hobby :laughing:


If robs or others donā€™t happen,I have a couple of denons,I know the 3 head one plays fine,but not sure on the other one.

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If you want to buy a few more tapes :joy: :+1:

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We should do an AA travelling tape, Iā€™d supply a nice C90, and everyone contributes 3 tracks. We could do it as random selections or have a theme. Itā€™d be fun that.


Both were the last Naks made in the early 90ā€™s

Make them an offer.|tkp%3ABk9SR_io1q2YZQ

Or make an offer on just the deck. I can collect this one for ya.|tkp%3ABk9SR4qp6q2YZQ

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Back when they were still in every system, I had the DRM44HX. Bloody great machine that was. Dirt cheap too compared to Naks of the same era.

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Does that require lugging a tape deck around?
Sounds like a must.

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I once tried to organise one that landed on every continent. It nearly made it but got caught up in customs in South Africa. Because of the amount of participants, by the time it got there, there were dozens of tracks over 5 c90s. For whatever reason they didnā€™t let it in and it failed, I was absolutely gutted.

I did the same thing with a plush toy of Bill the Cat

ā€œphotosā€ tended to mean him being shoved in a scanner.

The fact that googling ā€œBill the Catā€ prominently brings up r/FuckImOld tells you everything you need to know about this episode.

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I have an inexpensice Cambridge Audio deck from some time in the 90s going spare

You decide if it is decent enough :grin: