Charity shop donations and bargains

I think I might have bored you before that I volunteer at the local CUAN wildlife charity doing PAT testing and generally trying to make electrical things work before they are sold.

We are closer to the tip for most local people so we try to make sure everything works.

This months input.

Bose 700 soundbar, BOSE 300 soundbar, Bose Acoustimass 300 woofer.

I’m sure they will be ok because using various connections to various TV’s and laptops I get various clear noise out, but nothing I’d be happy to sell. I’m sure it’s finger trouble / incompetence.

And a guitar. No case, 2 strings missing.

How do you sell that in a small high street charity shop?

We are working on them all, don’t worry.

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You probably don’t.
Do you have a relationship with a local auction house?
Most auction houses will sell for local charities for zero sellers premium and often have a lot of expertise in house and be happy to advise on stuff.
Also stuff is sold as seen.

As far as the electrical stuff goes, I will leave that to you!, Functional testing is as important as PAT testing and things need to be fit for purpose.

Yes I do, but we’re in a farming community so banjo’s only.

Thanks, gonna look into this.

Agree and accept that.

Just checked with Jan. Anything is returnable.

Not from an auction house sale it isn’t, If you read my post it is only auctions I am referring to in that paragraph

Ebay? British Heart Foundation seem to do very well…

Quite surprising considering the cowboys they have working for them :slight_smile:

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I think a guitar like that would do better on ebay than a provincial auction room.
Though if it could be got into a specialist instrument auction it might get its money.

BHF are the biggest not for profit sellers on ebay worldwide.
But the ebay team employ a few more people than Mick’s entire charity. :smiley:

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It might well do.
But they would have to find a way of shippng it safely and be prepared to accept returns.
It also means they will need to write a detailed description and answer questions.
The internet and sites like Saleroom mean that even provincial auction rooms attract wide audiences.

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Gardiner Houlgate would be my choice if you want some distance between you and the buyer, don’t want to accept returns, and can’t write the description.

We get back on Thursday and have someone coming on Friday to give us some ideas.

The Michigan looks to be an original. The other looks like a Gibson LS135 or similar. Almost certainly a copy of course but how good a copy determines the price.
Looking at these photos the blemishes that look like stains are reflections of some sort. They are in really good condition.

That’s Gardiner Houlgate…