Chelseadave's System Sale

The time has finally come to sell Dave’s beloved Hifi system. Ben (bolts) and I have been asked to handle the sale and we have been working with the executors to value the equipment and get it listed.

In accordance with Dave’s wishes, the system is being offered on AA where hopefully it will find good homes.

As far as we know it all works, however, most of the equipment doesn’t have boxes. We’re not really in a position to test or loan equipment for trial, etc. You will be buying sight unseen and no warranty is offered. I’m sure we can sort out any serious problems, though.

This needs to be a relatively quick process and so the prices are keen. At this point in time, the prices are fixed and aren’t for negotiation.

In terms of logistics, the equipment is located in Richmond, West London and it can be picked up from there in the near future (dates, etc. to be confirmed.) Ben and I can help with logistics to an extent, I can bring some of it back to Herts (St Albans area) and potentiality get it AA-taxied, but please consider the logistics before you commit.

Please PM Ben (@Bolts) with your interest or enquiry, payment will be required by bank transfer to the probate bank account within 10 days. All money is going to McMillan as per Dave’s instructions. Additionally, 5% of every sale will go to the forum.

Equipment is as follows:

Clarity Audio Dual Turntable with LDA Quarz TT PSU, Isolation base and platter upgrade


N.B. This does not include the arm and cartridge (see below)

The turntable comes with LDA quarts PSU, the high mass strobe platter upgrade and the isolation base is custom made using Newport isolators.

HFC review: Vinyl Engine -Login

Price: £1800 sold

Acoustical Systems Aquilar 10" Tonearm


N.B. Does not include cartridge (see below)

This does include the box, but I’m not sure all the tools are present. Pretty sure most of them are, though.

More info here:

Price: £2100 sold

Audio Note Io Gold Cartridge


Not really sure of the hours on this, but I suspect it’s relatively low as Dave didn’t have it for that long.

Price: £1500 sold

“Coco-San” step up for Io

Custom made for Dave by me using silver Slagle transformers. 1:80 ratio.

Price: £1000 sold

“Coco-San” LCR Phono Stage

Custom made for Dave using copper Slagle inductors and output transformer, AN Silver Tantalum resistors, Lundahl PSU chokes and Duelund capacitors.

Will come with spare tubes (E810F and 5687)

Price: £2000 sold

“Coco-San” Hybrid SIT Amps

Custom made using Slagle iron, Clarity Cap polypropylene PSU capacitors, Lundahl PSU chokes. Approx 6-7W output. Built on three chassis (2x signal, 1x PSU) so is large.


Price £3000 sold

Concert Fidelity CF-080LSX hybrid line stage preamplifier

Tube preamp from Japan. Comes with remote control, uses 12AU7 tubes.


Price £3500 sold

Concert Fidelity DAC 040 tube hybrid DAC


Price: £1500 sold

CEC TL5 CD Transport

*Don’t have a photo of the front, so using a stock photo.

Price: £500 sold

Running Springs Audio Dmitri Power Conditioner


This is incredibly heavy, so I guess full of iron.

Price £1300 sold

Audio Desk Systems Vinyl Cleaner



Price £500 sold

Hifi Racks equipment rack


Price £500 sold

That’s the main components, there are also some sundries, such as interconnects, power cables, etc. Please enquire, we’ll probably post some of those later as well.

There are also some tubes, these will be listed once I have tested them and Dave’s fantastic vinyl collection will be listed soon.


Updated to mark items provisionally sold.


Updated list.


List updated again.

Just the preamp, mains conditioner and vinyl cleaner left.


Updated list - all items have been sold now. Valves will be listed as I get time to test them and there may be a couple of other miscellaneous bits.


Dave did love his foo cables, so here’re a couple:

Harmonic HS101-SLC speaker cables, 1.5m


You can read the hifi choice review here:

HS101-GP interconnects, 0.75m

£300 Sold

And another review of the speaker cables and interconnects:!ev/artykuly/18_08_2008/harmonix.html

These are top class stuff.