Cocks on clocks (Part the Second)

Ah, market manipulation :+1:

A new strap for this. Hasnā€™t been worn for a while.


Meaning there isnā€™t enough margin it for him or he hasnā€™t got any in stock.

Just adding another voice to the ā€œthis is nonsenseā€ chorus.

a) buy whatever speaks to you
b) if such things bother you then an Explorer 1 will always be highly liquid

Personally I like the 36mm, and prefer the older version with the less square shoulders. Had one back in the day :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I couldnā€™t afford the Rolex version back when I bought this.

Now that I could afford one (if I sold some others) I donā€™t feel the need as this does the job perfectly well.

In the end, buy what you want,


I have the Tudor one, itā€™s an excellent watch. :+1:


I really like this, except would prefer it to be smaller (34-36mm) as a nod to the earlier models, and with a date. Much prefer the Arrow hands to the Mercedes hands, always put me off the explorer (and similar models).

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My favourite Rolex and the only one Iā€™d buy.
I do seem to have unique taste in stuff though.

This is getting a rare airing


I wore this for the first time in quite a while today -


Looks a bit greasy mind!

Kevā€™s Rolex ā€¦not Mikeā€™s Zenith !

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Phew !


Probably the lens on the phone cam :grinning:
I canā€™t remember ever cleaning it!

Nah. Zoom inā€¦ greasy as all hell on the bezel.

ā€¦not a euphemism

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Youā€™ve just edited ya radge!

I didnā€™t clean the watch though, just the phone lens :grinning:

Can you believe that ? :joy:

It was tho wasnā€™t it?
