Cocks on clocks (Part the Second)

Ice Ice Baby :grin:

Fancied a watch with a white or yellow face and picked this up for a nice price.

Not as nicely made as my MM200 but not complaining for the money.


Nice. Enjoyed the mk2 I had for a while, but the bezel was annoying on the one I had, so it went

It’s not an either or.

I fancy some speakers but nothing has particularly lured me yet. I’m sure something will eventually.

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Well the Rolex fuck-on has begun.

Straight into Northern Goldsmiths to drop it off, or so I thought.

Greeted by some joker in a bow tie, only to be told I can’t simply drop the fucking thing off, I have to have an appointment. We have one at 11.30 sir.

I gave rhem my number and they had my address on record. Fuck knows how.

Stay fucking tuned. Oh and I had to get driven in by Emma as the bastard Metro’s dont work under 0 degrees.


It is how the WoS group database works.
You can go into any group store and give them your mobile number and they will see your entire purchase history across the group, what watches you are on the list for and when you went on the list etc,

I suppose that’s fair enough, you get very little frost in the NE :rage:

I’m afraid customer service doesn’t start until you’ve bought a box full of watches and proved your worthy of being on the waiting list for the one you really wanted in the first place.

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Sadly once you’ve given your mobile,it automatically links to all Rolex related forum posts you’ve made

Expect your bill to double :+1:


He’s not wrong though. It’s something that hugely pissed me off.

When I spoke to a local AD they said I needed to ‘build a relationship’ with them before I could buy any of the professional watches. Asked what that meant i.e did I have to pop in for tea and biscuits, Oh no you just have to build a purchasing history with us, it doesn’t have to be just watches it could be jewellery etc up to a few thousand and then one or two of the classic series.

Rounded off with a “you could treat the wife”

I think the ‘relationship’ soured when I promptly replied “Oh just fuck off”


Never happened to me or any one I know.
Which is why I think it is an overhyped trope.
Maybe it is different with ADs that are also jewellers, who try and get you to buy other shit.
Certainly never happened with retailers who only deal in watches.

The way the market is going now I would think that behaviour (where it exists) will disappear as even most Stainless Steel sports watches are now available at list or with a very small premium on the grey market

That was an AD and jewellers in Bournemouth but when I went into the Goldsmiths in Southampton they specifically told me I couldn’t buy a Sub unless I bought a classic first. I phoned a few local AD’s and got the same response from all of them. That’s why I went the watchfinder route.

I know a few people who’ve had the same response. A PM at my last place collected rolexes but had a taste for the tacky blingy ones, he had a president, GMT2 in gold/silver, a sub in gold/silver, one of those kermit things and some horrible deepsea in blue/gold plus others. His mate was an AD and he said he was told by Rolex that the policy was for customers to buy one of the classics before putting them on a waiting list.

I don’t think it’s a trope and I’m a bit of a Rolex fanboi, they actually did me a favour as that 1990 sub I bought was a fantastic watch and IMHO the best looking watch out there.

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Still want 16660 or 16600 Sea Dweller. Waiting for prices to bottom out which of course I’ll miss :laughing:

Actually why didn’t you tell me that at the time when I was on here moaning about the relationship bullshit when trying to buy one?

Care to name the shop where we can buy Subs off the shelf? (not that I can afford one now :frowning: )

That isn’t true.
It is up to retailers how they distribute their allocation, which is probably why there is such a varied experience, Retailers will of course blame someone else for their own money grabbing policies.

Not to say that any retailer won’t look after a valued customer.
I know someone who collects Rolex GMTs’. His aim is to have one of every reference (But not every variation) He has been at it for 20 years and has about 14 different models and is on good terms with the ADs in Brighton and Eastbourne.

I have no doubt he would rise faster up any list than I would although it still took him 4 years to get a ‘Rootbeer’.


In fairness I’m not such a grumpy cunt about it all now.

I went back and then was ushered to a lovely old desk, it is a really nice old building. Offered tea coffee etc

Chap came across, nice fella. Started to ask what I wanted. Explained that I thought I could just drop off and was a bit frustrated at having to come back. Very apologetic and explained it was just the Rolex way now to give customers an experience.

Anyhoo they are an accredited Rolex service centre and will do the service on site. Four to six weeks ÂŁ730.

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I told everyone. Go back through the thread you will find plenty of posts. No one was that interested in listening, much preferred going on about the tired old trope of buying shit they didn’t want
I waited 3 months for a ND Sub in 2021

And no I can’t tell you where you can walk in and get a Sub off the street, but that is the singular most in demand watch and one of the ones that is still above list on the grey market,
Things are changing though.
The last time I spoke to my local AD about my chances of getting the watch I am waiting for she told me that tine is shortening, They are now ringing people to say they have a watch for them and being told they are no longer interested and have spent the money on a car, or a kitchen.

I’m confused so it has never happened and you can buy one but at the same time you can’t

Aha it’s Schrödinger’s rolex.