Covfaffe - the road to despair, calling at futility and disappointment

I wouldn’t enjoy it if it was easy :laughing:

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Japanman mindset : ++


Ah yes, I noticed their blends are attractively priced… Any good?

The journey is the destination.

Ask Dom he has been ripping through the bags!
Seems fine to me but this is all a bit new so don’t have much to compare it to.

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It’s taken me a while to get used to the taste of beans via pour over, I imagine espresso would take a bit more adjustment for me. I really only want a machine so I can do cortados though, so this is probably an easier transition.

Been looking at machines and I won’t be getting anything crazy. I’ve ruled out the 9Barista because of wanting a quicker time between pulling shots.

Cafelat Robot is top of my list now and really appeals to me for many reasons but mainly the simplicity. Will likely get this in the new year.

Yes and no tbh.

I got the Nova blend as I could try it in their cafe at the roasters and then take bags home to try and emulate that flavour. Which worked well.

It’s a nice blend but no standout interesting quirks to the flavour. Would get it again as a good every day bean for the coffee I make and take to work. I would still have a fancy bean for weekends and days off when I can really enjoy it.


How will you steam the milk if you get a robot?

Will give it a go, on a bit of a budget at the moment. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

Same, and it’s perfect for that, good everyday drink with a special one for special times :ok_hand:

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I won’t, I have a milk frother already and that will fucking do me :smiley:

If I feel the need for a steamer I’ll get a separate steamer but I can’t see me being bothered, I’m not into doing latte art or anything.

Maybe I should have said something similar to a cortado.

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I have been rather surprised by how much the basket can change things.

I went from an IMS to a VST and the the difference was pretty big. Pucks come out much better and leave less in the basket. It channels less and seems to be far easier to stay consistent with the shots.

You can really see the accuracy of the holes and lack of deformation around the holes in this picture. VST on the left

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do you use a puck screen as well? found that made a big difference and reduced the need to be precious with the WDT

Not yet no, will probably get one soon though :grimacing: just to add to the faff


When we go on holiday to Sussex, we often bike out to this place & the coffee there seems popular. Sadly I don’t drink it but has anyone tried buying from here? Always smells nice.

Which one do you use Chris?

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Ooo er
They do a 54mm version :thinking:

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Any recommendations for a single shot basket ? I have a Sage Duo Temp Pro machine.

Still using the standard Sage basket.