Covfaffe - the road to despair, calling at futility and disappointment

think that is a 54mm so it’s only really the IMS one.

I have an IMS basket that holds 18g, do they make one for a single shot ?

I haven’t used the site but loads on reddit and homebarrista forum say it is a good shop

Ordered, seems a good price.

Thanks for the link.

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Nice, thanks Chris., :+1::blush:

Horsham have 15% of first orders and 50% of first subscription orders.

just ordered 2.5Kg on a 4 week sub and will cancel after delivery.

Wow, that is a lot of coffee!
You should have shouted, Horsham also do a £5.00 referral deal for both parties

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I know but as I usually buy supermarket beans it will still be better.

We go through at least 1/2 kg a week.

I went in to Origin coffee on Euston Rd yesterday to get supplies. They still give you a freebie with a bag of beans, so I ordered an espresso - a single origin Ethiopian natural. Fuck it was good! By the look of things it was the result of about 20 grand’s worth of equipment (or more) and an experienced barista of course. I’m making pretty good espresso here and there but this was on another level. I’m not kidding, I could still taste it three hours later! :flushed:


Perhaps we should call what we can achieve 'Coffee playback’:slightly_smiling_face:

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It was a bit of a wake-up, in all senses of the term. :grin:


Well I hope you have a list of the equipment to buy.

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He did use a leveling tool just before tamping, which I could probably afford. Just not right now. :joy:

What no WDT​:scream::scream: Hope you put him straight :joy:

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I figure my next machine purchase will be a pro machine.
Just like my audio (thoughtfully chosen and adapted), I think I would like my coffee that way.

Expobar anyone?
They do single group machines.
Don’t need a grinder.

I thought you’d knocked it on the head!

Cut back, not knocked…:coffee:

For timing shots, do you lot include the pre infusion time in the shot time?

My machine has a shot timer that includes pre infusion but reddit seems to be at odds whether the 30sec target should include pre infusion or not?

I’m currently doing 20gm in 40-42gm out with 8 secs pre infusion and a total shot time of around 30-40secs.

Yes it should include the pre-infusion (IMO)

An extra 8-9 seconds on the shot time would be very easy to taste. I’m fairly certain its correct to include it in the overall timing


I’m never going to use a Moka pot but watching Hoffman anal-lyze was fun.

These lyrics came to mind

“Is your barista worried?,
Would you like us to assign someone to worry your barista?”

Poor James😀 “the steamy angry phase”

I remember my parents having an electric Moka pot in the cupboard. Can’t ever remember it being used…