That’s what they say in their guide, but I have two at home which are quite different!
Like this one.
That’s similar to my Maldon salt then (as opposed to Saxa). So that looks pretty coarse.
Yeah, coarser than I originally thought.
I just tried using their method, keeping my grind setting the same as for V60, which I think is roughly the right setting.
I didn’t get it exactly right this first time (takes a bit of getting used to, monitoring the number of circular pours vs quantity of water vs time) so I was off a bit at each pouring phase, but wow it really tastes very different. I’m not sure if it’s better, but it certainly is different.
I’ll see where I get to once I perfect the technique.
My grind setting is close to that for the 40/60 method in the V60.
What I think you’ll find is that the bluebottle dripper is a lot more consistent and forgiving. I love it.
Thanks. Looking forward to trying it some more.
One thing I liked about the 40/60 was the ability to change sweetness and strength. Can one do that at all with the Bluebottle? I guess pour a bit less in the first bloom pour for ‘sweeter’? I’ve looked but not seen anyone talk about it - seems like there’s only one ‘setting’.
Yes, works exactly to same.
So the first pour/bloom does the sweetness/brightness and then varying the number of subsequent pours (default is 3 like the 40/60) will adjust the strength?
Yes, I generally divide into five and make the first pour marginally bigger than the others.
Thanks, will give it a go tomorrow.
Workshop Coffee…
Damn, just went to go but they’ve closed now
Do you recommend? I’ve just finished my disappointing Origin - Las Laderas. Interested to give Workshop a go.
Been working through my August TW. I’ll be opening first bag today/tomorrow.
@josh I’ve started with El Nevado which I would say is a similar roast level to SqM Red Brick (maybe even a tad more developed). I’ve only pulled espresso with it at quite short ratios too - 18g in, 30g out.
Very enjoyable and nice quality cup. The other two bags are both lighter roasts than this. I’ll update as I get on to them.
I don’t know if I can universally recommend ordering everything after about 6 shots but thumbs up so far
I was about to order El Nevado yesterday after a colleague recommended it. Then I saw the silly P&P and held off while I tried to find a discount code.
What were the other two you got?
Aricha and Alto Bonito
Alto Bonito sounds really nice. Let me know how it compares. I was looking at that too, as well as Raro Boda. However given my last disappointment with misleading tasting notes, I thought it better to go with a personally recommended one.
Went through the Arincha quite quickly and on the the Alto Bonito now. The apple/pear showed up well pulled as espresso. Lighter roast than the other two - have pulled it 1:2 ratio and may even go a little longer. Trying it now in a French press, have possibly ground it a little fine but nice sweetness.
I’ve just bought those two coffees that came out on the mailshot.
Intrigued by the coconut!
Did you get the Makena Estate this month @Kevin? A++