Covfaffe - the road to despair, calling at futility and disappointment


Dunno, I just follow the app. Seems to be about 20-30 ml every 20-30 seconds.

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I tasted Ritchies poured brew and wanted to try and do it for Gill.

Well, it is a girly coffee :ok_hand:

My brew is: 25grms coffee/390grms water. 6 pours of 65 grams per pour with a 15 second duration and a fifteen second interval between. Last pour at 2mins 30 seconds.
If using a v60, I have found that in general The water from the last pour should hit the top of the coffee bed at around 3:03. Make the grind coarser if it takes longer and vice versa. Removerbrewer at 3:30.


Do you do a pre infusion? I like that bit.


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No, it kind of happens in the first couple of pours.

I wonder about using varying grind sizes, to make a grind blend. So 5g of coarse, 15g of medium, and 5g of fine. I suspect the fine might add to the mouthfeel.

FFS :roll_eyes:


Serious faff! :grin:



I have set a recipe to yours :smiley: shall try tomorrow and compare.

The app adds about 50ml for 1min, then adds the rest every 20 seconds or so for 2:30, then about 30 seconds to hit the bed. total time about 4 mins, so the same as yours plus the infusion.

I like the pre infusion, it kind of bubbles away and you get the full aroma.

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This is now officially worse than a cable thread. Have a cat.



Strong stuff.

(and I see you just upgraded your cat)

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The first attempt wasn’t strong enough, really.

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Nice subtle trolling. I must try this approach on the car wanking, polishing thread. :grinning:




Is there a superior filter paper for a v60 dripper? I’m coming towards the end of my emergency Melitta bought overseas, and wondered how deep this rabbit hole goes…

I’m using the Hario paper because that’s what amazon had.

But to rinse or not to rinse, that is another question.