Crack snacks

Might find room for that to go with ‘Dusty’

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Looks like you have a few spare? :wink:

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I was going to say he hadn’t made enough.

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Well not for ALL of us.

Edit: Would probably/maybe settle for the recipe.

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I just licked my screen.

They’re mine now.


Cheesy bics


  • 225g self-raising flour (I use plain + baking powder)
  • 150g soft butter
  • 2 heaped tsp of English mustard
  • 225g strong cheese – grated


  1. Heat oven to 190℃
  2. Put the flour, butter and mustard in a bowl and mix until well combined – like breadcrumbs.
  3. Add the cheese and mix together until combined.
  4. Turn out onto a floured surface and roll out to about 8-10mm thickness.
  5. Cut into small circles using a cutter.
  6. Bake for 12 minutes and place on a rack to cool.
  1. Consume with cheese, lots of cheese

You would think so, but they are very cheesy in themselves.

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Are you really suggesting that there exists something called “too much cheese” ?

unpopular opinion quite possibly when it comes to baked cheddar. May just be me, but cooked cheddar in particular can have an overtone that gets at the top of my mouth.

Wow - someone made a T-shirt specifically for Paul @unclepuncle -


80% carbs consumption FTW!


I hate myself but I can’t stop eating these,:imp:

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Gotta be worth a try?

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Moar betterer:

Good seller IME, too.

Holy fucking shit this is good! Not strictly a snack, but there are very few things it doesn’t instantly turn into one!

The flavours are the freshest and most authentic of any chilli sauce I’ve tried: bordering-on home made. The smoke flavours are real and complex, not the usual smoke-in-a-bottle fake.

Its biggest fault is that I’m at risk of glugging it straight from the bottle - though I’ve also bought their Scotch Bonnet chilli sauce which should kick-up the heat a little.

The need to keep it in the fridge is a minor arse-ache: it prolly won’t last long enough to matter - and I’d not characterise myself as a chilli head at-all, so most sauces last longer…


No resemblance to actual food but still addictive.


Scroll up…

Just had some of this:

with crackers. Yum. :smiley: