Dave system and music sale update

I wanted to let all on here know that the sale of Chelsea Dave’s system and music collection is now complete.

With pretty much everything sold, and almost all to Forum members, as per Dave’s wishes, we have hit an estimated grand total of just over 24K.

This is certainly beyond my expectations and well above what any dealer sale would have achieved.

This means of course that Macmillan will benefit from a substantial donation, as per Dave’s will.

In addition, many AA members now own a little (or large) something of Dave’s legacy, and I hope this means he will be remembered on here long after his passing.

AA will also benefit from a financial contribution when the probate process completes.

With profound thanks to:

@coco for your assistance and good counsel on the valuation of the system, posting on the forum and lugging kit back and forth!

@Ruprecht for your invaluable advice and work on valuing the record collection and practical suggestions about how to optimise the sale and stay true to Dave’s wish that AA members benefitted.

@stu for your immense efforts and organisation of the music sale that went well above and beyond, your unflagging enthusiasm and good humour. Dropping the records and the CD’s off Astra-powered, Santa-style around the UK was epic.

This whole process has revealed the best of AA; you have all been so supportive and approached this in the spirit intended.

Dave would have been over the moon.

Thank you.


That is quite some result. Well played everyone. Vale @chelseadave .


Outstanding effort.:+1:


And thanks to you too, Ben, for the huge effort of organising this, working with the executors and general rushing around you have done to make this happen. It genuinely couldn’t have happened without you.


Which is what matters above everything else.

Well done all!



Thank you so much guys, and thank you Dave. A good number of us will be relying on Macmillan at some point.


Chapeau to all involved in this fantastic feat.


Chapeau indeed. Well done meatmen :grin:

Absolutely brilliant outcome from what’s otherwise such a sad event.

I like to think that Dave is in Australia, surrounded by parakeets and kanagaroos and unicorns and angels and other imaginary stuff, laughing like a drain at what a bunch of soppy twats we are :sparkling_heart:


Well done all. Cannot believe the result your efforts have achieved.

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