My mother was an Ercol-obsessive and her friend worked for “Ercolani” so my irrational loathing of all things Ercol knows no bounds
Not sure about Chris’ plans to change the colour. I’ll be interested to see how it’s possible to undo what’s been done.
Lovely, love the mid-century style Ercol stuff!
soda blasting
Mid-Century children tended to die from malnutrition or preventable illness rather than electrocution in case that helps you find some motivation.
WTF are you on about, I don’t have any children
Into the sea with this kind of blandness
Marginally better than all that fucking primer-grey tho’…
Magnolia ftw
That’s fucking ace!
Don’t fucking encourage him
Went to pickup the ercol coffee table and they’ve got some fantastic stuff in the workshop.
He mainly restores but was saying he’s got too much stock and not enough time to restore which was why he sold the coffee table for £100. Had a look around and saw an Ercol 1960’s drop leaf dining table I really like for the kitchen.
£200 later
Naturally my mother had two of those.
haha he’s got an Ercol grand windsor dining table for £1500 that would give you an aneurysm
Lovely that, seems a good price.
I was thinking of maybe getting a coffee table.
saw this one in the shop and it was what I was going to buy until I saw the dining table
That’s more like it