Diet and Fitness

Nah, I value my knees too much.


My training has been completely derailed by what feels like a month of coughs and colds

Get back on the horse dude.

I donā€™t think anyone noticed meā€¦

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Wow! In my book he is a good snowboarder, not just a good old-guy snowboarder. I canā€™t do that switch shit, and I still consider myself a competent boarder, at least. Iā€™m planning on still doing it in my 60s though.

Speaking of whichā€¦ that mountain time of year is approachingā€¦

I had to read that twice


It certainly is. Going back after a 3 year gap so I feel like Iā€™m starting again, though I hope to be up to speed quickly. Just ordered a new board and just waiting for it to be built, totally stoked! :slight_smile:

So day one of German Volume Trauma.

  • Incline bench press 10 sets of 10 reps - 60s rest between sets

  • Barbell Row 10 sets of 10 reps - 60s rest etc

So up the weight on this next Monday and shoot for 10x10

  • Dumbbell pullover 3 sets of 10 reps

  • Lat pulldowns 3 sets of 10 reps

More weight required.

It did hurt though. Starts off easy and then the short rest times mean that sets 8,9 & 10 get tougher and the sweat starts pouring!

Will be having a long soak tonight.

Serious ache this morning but after another soak in the bath and a bit of yoga Iā€™m not feeling as bad as i had feared.

6 weeks of this is going to need some deep tissue massage to get through it.

Or drugs, lots of drugs :+1:

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I know diddly-squat about any of this, but arenā€™t you supposed to make the pain worse by doing this rather than loafing about in hot baths :grinning: ?

I donā€™t think that even the prospect of sharing a bath with Jessica Ennis would have got me into there.


The alternation of hot and cold is best. When I was seriously training at gymnastics I used to be plunged into ice baths after intense training sessions - after the hyperventilating and swearing had stopped it actually works well at shifting lactic acid, increasing blood flow and preventing DOMS ( delayed onset muscle soreness).

In a hotel room without the ability to order buckets of ice to fill the bath, then I find the best treatment is a very hot bath with salts, followed by a blast of a cold shower.

Also note Jess is only submerged below the waist, which is far more bearable then having your core submerged which really jolts your temperature and accelerates your heart like the clappers.

Just reading this thread makes me feel exhausted :worried:

Cold fanny.

Warm hands?

Iā€™m starting getting fit again tomorrow, this thread has inspired me.

A 20 minute ā€˜sessionā€™ every morning should do it.

Ooh whatā€™s it going to be then? HIT? Pilates? Green Goddess DVD?

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Compound exercises :+1: