Digital tracking force gauge

I wants one. Any recommendations?

I use this

About £27

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I bought a cheap Chinese thing like this

Comes with a calibration weight and does the job.
Although I have one turntable so it doesn’t get a lot of use.
Most times I want to use it I need to buy new batteries which cost as much again as the scale!

Paul’s one is probably cheaper in the long run :grinning:


I have a Rega Atlas. It’s lovely if v spendy.


Just use one of these, would like the old technics one with the vu


I possibly have one of those going spare. Probably needs new batteries, which could actually cost more than a new unit tbh, if I can find it over the weekend Gareth @Waxy, it’s yours.

Edit, same as what Stu has posted.


Do you have a link for that?

That would be awesome Rob, thanks. PM me your PPal address and I will bung you the postage. I need a few of those batteries for my illuminated jeweller’s loupe anyway, so I can buy a batch of them.

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It’s on me, if you really feel the need to spend money, chuck a few quid, whatever you feel appropriate, into the forum.

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Lovely. Thanks Rob. Will bolster the AA kitty then, assuming you can find the scales!

They’re deffo here somewhere…

If you Google

Pocket scale PS-200B

Several vendors come up. They’ve changed the design slightly but essentially it’s the same

Thanks Paul

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I’d post a link but I’m using my crappy old phone

I have the same as @Kevin and @stu.

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Most of the seventy quid branded ones are the as the same cheap ones, with a logo on.
I have the same one as Stu and it’s well within accuracy levels.

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That was the impression I got when browsing the analogueseduction website

Just seen the same as mine for £5.50 from china

Hundreds under a tenner on Amazon.
If you can spot the difference to the Project (and other) ones at a lot more I’ll pay for it for you!

Like most stuff these days, it’s all out the same factory!

Cheaper to buy a new one than buy batteries.
The only thing I would check is delivery, I have never been in a situation where I can wait 34 days (or whatever) for delivery from China.