Donald Trump finally announced as some massive in-joke (Part 1)

And that is frankly an utterly horrifying prospect.

I think he would stand a fair chance of getting a fair bit done, unless the senate and house go Democrat.
If Hilary gets in then she’ll probably get nowt done, which may not be such a bad thing. Maybe the choice will be nowt or crazy shit.

Who is most likely to kick off WW3?

Is Trump basically a trojan horse?

Trump, in his sleep.

Can’t see him doing much more than this if he wins


Donald Trump and Roger Stone given a restraining order in the state of Ohio for violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

Why I read it was just a TRO against voter intimidation and doesn’t ban them from Ohio.

Yes, you’re correct, was trying to write quickly

I’m probably late to the party, but this did make me chuckle. :slight_smile:

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FBI have announced that Clinton’s emails are still not naughty. Hopefully, this means that Trump will fail on Tuesday, although given what a shit year 2016 has been thus far, I suspect it will be very, very close.



I continue to contend that one should ‘Never Trust a Trump’.

And from the same source, his take on pussygate.

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Roll up,roll up.

Guess the % of the US election.

I’m going 48% clinton,42% trump.

Who are the other 10% voting for?