Donald Trump finally announced as some massive in-joke (Part 1)

That’s a bit harsh on cunts matey.


Look on the bright side. There’d be tapes


He’s just called Stormy Daniels horse face and she’s retorted by calling him tiny.
Tiny hands, tiny dick or tiny brain or all three, take your pick ?

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I rather liked her mild-mannered lawyer’s description of Rump as a ‘disgusting misogynist’.

Look forward to hearing him when the gloves come off, after appeal.

I’ve said it before but I think the US is done

Utterly sickening - there is no bottom to what Trump and the Republicans are capable of

But but but Hillary’s emails! Lock her up.

From Kessler’s thread - grounds for thinking Kushner put Khashoggi on the hit list.

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I saw earlier that when the White House press corp tried ot question Kushner the secret service intervened which is unheard of. Things are getting really really bad over there.

The amount of active voter suppression going on across the country is staggering and all targetted at the so-called minorities for the mid-term elections. Guess who’s upheld it, yes folks, none other than Supreme Court sex abuser Kavanaugh.

I was expecting a song there but now I feel bad for trivialising it.

Keeping Trump alive, but with his cock and balls permanently inserted in his mouth might be a start.

That is some article. Thanks for posting the link

He really is a cunt.


Can’t use twatter at the mo, what Audio tape?

Turkey is claiming there is an audio tape made by the Saudis while they dismembered Kashoggi and who was still alive when they began.

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Now it seems he did die in the consulate. After ‘a fight’. Yeah. Right.

So presumably they can remember what they did with the body ?


That would explain it. In a proper pub fight it is not unusual for all of a fighter’s fingers to fall off shortly before the rest of his body comes apart. Often the result are identical to being chopped up by a bunch of maniacs wielding bone saws.
