Donald Trump finally announced as some massive in-joke (Part 1)

Top ranting at Donald & the government/banks etc




and another on bailing out the airlines which doubtless applies here too.


I’m worn out just listening to him :astonished:

Jeez, full on doesn’t cut it.

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He’ll give himself an aneurysm or heart attack if he sustains that level of rage all the time. :grinning:


He’d certainly liven up a dull dinner party.

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‘You’ll get your fucking money you shitbags’ :rofl:

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That’s cheered me up. Very entertaining. :grinning:

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… not from

I really hope he’s registered that :grin:.


badda bing badda boom mutha fuckas.

Makes Joe Pesci sound like whispering Bob Harris.


I fucking love this guy. Always makes me laugh. He doesn’t 'arf give 'em shit!

An enjoyable yet amateur conniption outing - in truth we are looking at 6.5/10. Vic has some sort of locus of control, his conniption is contrived tamed if you will. Connoisseurs of apoplectic ecstasy will note there is a pivot point where speech becomes impossible, improbable or simply incoherent. It is from here the last scrapings of bile ignite into an otherworldly venomous crimson mist. I would like to see ticked off Vic just glare at the camera with temples throbbing, biting through his own tongue and struggling to catch his breath wearing a trump truckers cap. for 30 sustained minuets accompanied by this

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See Brian is the problem. Always said so.



Another off FB


Trump out trumping Trump tonight. Hilarious and frightening at the same time. He genuinely looks seriously deranged tonight.

Credibility equal to the futures price of oil.

“I have always known. This is a real pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic…"

“I’ve always viewed it as very serious."

These are quotes from Trump’s press conference yesterday when he was asked if his tone around C-19 had changed. From the same guy who said:

  • It was “contained” and “under control”
  • “It’s going to disappear” and, “We have very little problem in this country”
  • Three weeks ago that the U.S. had “15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”
  • Just eight days ago that “The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation”

And now - he always knew?
People support this guy, stand up for him, and say he’s doing a great job. I really, truly, do not understand how they can believe that.


Good luck to Las Vegas


And… The Trump modus operandi of not paying your bills extends to the States of the US.

Historically (2016): After assuring Americans he was not running for President “to make things unstable for the country,” Trump suggested that he might reduce the national debt by persuading creditors to accept something less than full payment.

This week: Asked whether the United States needed to pay its debts in full, or whether he could negotiate a partial repayment, Mr. Trump told the cable network CNBC, “I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal…”

This makes quite grim reading. You get the govt you deserve etc etc (should be free to read - otherwise free sign-up)

If I were that way inclined, I’d say it reads like a wish list for someone who hated the idea of obamacare since those are exactly the groups of poor, unhealthy, mainly black people, that will be worst hit

That was a hard watch.

She’s fucking deranged :crazy_face: