Donald Trump finally announced as some massive in-joke (Part 2)

Will they not clash with my MAGA hat? Wanting these is God’s way of telling you that you have too much money.

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What’s next? A market stall? What a loser :joy::joy::joy:


Trump likely to file for 7th bankruptcy.

In a country of over 330m people, the only candidates available are a corrupt evidently self-serving bankrupt, and a man who should have retired 15 years ago.

Of the two - got to be Joe. At least he will try to do something for other people. Trump is all about him, him, and… him.

Vote for the least bad candidate. An age-old US election tradition.

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Who shall we make the most powerful man in the world?

With Biden it’s a roulette wheel, dementia / senility can conjure some pretty weird thinking and actions.

With Trump it’s four years of moral & economic rape guaranteed. He’s a bit of a diplomatic grenade too -blinkered to Unity / Harmony / Fairness / Equality or Truth.

If Biden won and took a four year nap the world would be considerably better off.

I was astonished that Joe didn’t stand down a year or two into his Presidency. Kamala Harris (why is she polling badly now?) would make a much better job of it. (IMHO)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has stepped out of the limelight for a while. Apparently she was considered a little too outspoken… And she doesn’t qualify for an old age pension, she’s obviously too young for any sort of real responsibility.

Unfortunately I think there is a reason for this that does not relate to how good a politician she is.

Anti-shapist tendencies among old white men?

Trump used to sell urine tests.

Literally taking the piss


They didn’t help themselves by reducing her public facing stuff when her ratings started to drop but Trump and his bullshit bots have been hard at work.

The Mail survey is from their US site and just read some of the comments to see how much they hate her, with zero reasons or explanations why.

I suspect it’s because she’s strong on minority voting and abortion rights (that and she’s black) all things that MAGA twats really hate.


His campaign funds are predicted to be blown by July, mostly on legal expenses. His Valentines message to Melabia was a blast email to his supporters asking for money

I thought that there was some legality where he couldn’t use campaign funds for personal expenses?

Has he branded any condoms yet? It would be win if his supporters curtailed their breeding.


You don’t donate to Donald Trump, you donate to the Save America PAC. A PAC can do whatever it wants with the money

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Serious note. The god botherers have indicated that if/when they get a federal abortion ban rammed through, they’ll be going after contraception

Because Jebus wants overpopulation and suffering, I forgot.

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There’s already legislation on the table in a few statehouses to curtail availability (although not outrightly banning it).

It really does underline how much their forced-birth stance is fuck all to do with the “life of a fetus” and all about keeping wages down with a flooded market place.

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God loves his children and all life is sacred*

  • except the queers, trans and don’t knows, fuck those guys


Love thy neighbor - Fuck that build a wall

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No cap either, anyone can put as much as they like in to buy him. Save America Political Action Committees have an open, unaudited slush fund if I read the reports, admittedly over egged.