Donald Trump finally announced as some massive in-joke (Part 2)

It’s hilarious to hear Trump touting overturning Roe to the Bible Thumpers, while trying at the same time to get the Republican Party to back off on abortion. He’s deeply stupid, but sometimes his instincts are right. He knows Republicans have taken a hammering at the State level on the issue

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Too kind. He’s a shameless hypocrite who will do and say anything to regain the Presidency.


The Christian Fundamentalists are giving the GOP a hard time on IVF, which is a normally very popular amongst Republican voters, ‘Fetal Personhood’ could become a real problem for them.

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Baffled they can call themselves Christians - Have they read the guide book? Completely banjaxed they confuse Trump with a righteous man, Jebus would have had his tables over. The whole ball of wax is idiotic +.


I used the word ‘Fundamentalist’ on purpose.

I doubt that many US Christians have these views, which is why the GOP are having a hard time reconciling the very loud voice of the fundamentalists with the voting intentions of the silent majority (of Christians).

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“Christian” also means white European descent to the Nazis. “Western Values” is another one they like.

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I couldn’t believe it when I heard there was a movement to go after IVF, it just seems like a political road to disaster. But you just know some fundamentalist hack in some shithole Republican state is going to try.

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Already happening in Alabama

“Tragically, the Governor of Alabama has given the IVF industry a license to kill,” said Lila Rose president of Live Action, a non-profit that opposes abortion. “Stripping embryonic human beings of legal protections is also unconstitutional.”

Some anti-abortion groups are even running ads against Alabama Republicans using the same provocative imagery – “blood, babies and scalpels” – that is typically leveraged against Democrats

from here

I realise thai is probably what you meant by

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The Fundies will keep judge shopping looking for a Trump appointed lunatic. No doubt Amy Coney Barrett is chomping at the bit to write the decision if something ever gets to Supreme Court level

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Yes, hence ‘they’

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American court system in action:

The fate of the abortion pill mifepristone is now before the Supreme Court, after a fifth-circuit appeals panel of three judges ruled against its distribution last summer. One of the judges who ruled against distribution of the drug is James Ho, a Trump appointee who previously served as the solicitor general of Texas; his wife took at least six payments between 2018 and 2022 from the conservative legal group that brought the case to court.

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And now it will go before Clarence Thomas (amongst others), a man who has received more “gifts” from billionaires than you or I have had hot dinners. Corruption seems to be pretty endemic there these days.


Any grift in a storm :rofl:

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Amazing number of billionaire “friends”. I’m sure it’s just happenstance that he met all these “friends” after he became a Supreme Court Justice :thinking:

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