Donald Trump finally announced as some massive in-joke (Part 2)

I do wish those who suggest Trump is stupid would give their fucking heads a wobble.

If they don’t, then Reform PLC will get a real strangle-hold on an already massively divided Britain; the US has got a nasty bug…

Trump and his movement; Reform and perhaps others are- arguably- salespeople.

Once they’ve got their votes; their figures; their followers; their movements- they’re in power.

They’re well organised and well funded.

It’s fair to say that those on the left must acknowledge their part in this.

Those in occupations not considered respectable; skilled; professional have been abandoned by the very moments that were founded to look after their interests.

And in the US, these people are getting fucked by the person (brand) they believed would save them.


Musk being the lead for the DOGE and being one of the biggest promoters of dogecoin just stinks of a a marketing shill. Why the fck would they name the department DOGE otherwise? $TRUMP and $MELINA have earned the potus and his wife millions in a pump and dump. It’s fcking corrupt beyond belief.


Trump. US are taking over Gaza, ship the people who have been living there for 3000 years out, that will stop any trouble. Gift it to the Israeli government, fcuk the people who have actually lived there for millenia.
Netanyahu sucking his cock like a deep throating pornstar. This cunt is fucking mental. It’s brazen ethnic cleansing.


The plan is to make Gaza the ‘Riviera of the middle east’. Bit like making a Butlins in Belson but with the added excitement of likely terrorist attacks. I’m guessing there will be a Trump golf course and tower to bring a touch of class.

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There’s a word that’s doing some heavy lifting …


Disaster capitalism at a new level.

Mind queef?

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I think it’s a bit more complicated than that (oh isn’t everything in life!)

He had a strategy that at least allowed him to present as very succesful to the outside world. I suspect there was a lot of debt sloshing around, quite a bit of fraud, a lot of stiffing suppliers out of money, and quite a lot of tactical bankruptcy. Whether any of that was his own devising or him just using the tools others thought up I don’t know. And clearly his personal brand marketing is very effective with a large enough subset of the US population.

But there are definitely areas where he demonstrates profound stupidity, like thinking any of those strategies work when you’re running a country, and a chunk of the stuff in that piece up thread about bargaining approaches.

It’s the same with Musk - very good at brand marketing, presumably some degree of technical ability, but he seems to think he’s an infallible genius in all regards, and the stuff about the effort Space X puts in to keeping him away from meaningful engineering, or the Bloomberg expose on the OSHA violations, or the technical management of Twitter, or the latest when he tried to pretend to be an elite level computer gamer, show a profound level of stupidity.


His appearance as a dangerous economic and diplomatic grenade is weighed against each and every appointment he’s made which profits various billionaires at the helm of industries who stand to profit greatly. Kind of makes Pdiddys parties look dull, there is no lube for ‘the many’ here, they get dunked in the swamp (That isn’t a swamp because he drained it) .

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It’s fairly evident that Trump made promises to Netinyaloon that he would support their prime real estate expansion if he supported/approved the ceasefire deal in the Knesset.

It’s fucking nauseating that the beeb this morning are praising Trump for his input to the talks in the days before his inaugeration.

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Personally I think it’s all bullshit. This is Trump “flooding the zone” with crazy stuff to overwhelm and confuse people. Like the tariff stuff which has now mysteriously been walked back on, what will actually happen will be completely different because there’s no way the other nations in the area will put up with this.

This is worth reading:


I’m more worried about what Musk is doing in the background dismantling the government while everyone is distracted.

Time for that well regulated militia to do its thing.


Baffling with Bullshit is a method of overwhelm that jams common sense and dominates the media / brains of those that view / listen or digest second hand (control of the narrative). This thread is an example, we could all go off and come back with ten things to post any hour of the day about the latest unfathomable nonsense much of which is not actual reality but positioning and perception at this point. Domination of the debate. Musk meanwhile is running wild.

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We’re all grasping a piece of the puzzle but analysing Trump & Musk’s actions at the wrong level. Neither is entirely stupid, and neither the genius they purport themselves to be - doesn’t matter, because they don’t fucking care about the consequences of their actions.

They know they’re in power because the Democrats were slow and weak in everything they did. T&M have piled-in posing as strongmen - even if all this ends in catastrophic civil war (it won’t), they don’t fucking care because they’ll be fondly remembered by spiteful morons as strong leaders.

And then there’s the cash grab that goes with the power grab, that’s at least 50% of their motivation. The rest is all chuck-it-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks.

Huge egos + zero morals + power crazed + limitless greed = USA 2025.

I prefer 'Straya’s take:


Can someone get “Coup de Twat” trending?

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Coming to a soon-to-be-former-democracy near you now…

This is worth a watch/listen.