Donald Trump finally announced as some massive in-joke (Part 2)


“Sarge, have you brought the KiddieKuffs?”


Murdoch owned media have turned on Trump in recent weeks, think they’ve realized he’s unelectable. It’s not like the Republican Party is going to change post Trump. I laugh when media pundits (trying to play the both sides equal game) claim that Trump “changed” the GOP. Bullshit, he’s a symptom not the disease. The right has been moaning about the same “culture war” nonsense since the 60s. Trump just normalized the most absurd elements, and made the party a cult of personality.

Still going to be great seeing him destroyed by the shit storm of legal problems headed his way.



First of the evening. Waiting for the manic 3AM posting . . .




Trump will turn up and play the victim card to the max for all his rabble of morons - who will lap this up and then ball and shout about liberal conspiracies etc.

‘Look the system is broken and full of nasty liberals who are trying to rob you of your democratic choice to vote for me - its un-American blah blah

I didn’t know until recently that having a criminal record doesn’t actually block someone from running for or becoming president :frowning:

Badge of honour for DT.
It will play well for his fans, as stated :arrow_up:

A literal: look what they did to me.

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If there is one human atom left in Davros Murdochs makeup he will start laying the boot right in. Of course the hardcore will follow trump along to some corner of the internet.The misguided or simple god fearing folk however who’ve bought his schpiel, trust the TV and newspapers they’ve always trusted could easily be turned.

That’s quite a reach.

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Quote from 19:29 post. (Stormy Daniels)

When it comes to the former president and the prospect of facing him in court, she says “there’s no way he could be scarier with his clothes on”. :rofl:


Yeah but no.
Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by a large margin but squeaked out a narrow (and tainted) Electoral College win. He suffered one of the most lopsided defeats in the history of Presidential elections to Joe Biden.
No one who didn’t support Trump before the indictment is going to suddenly change their mind about him.
The “this just handed Trump the 2024 election” argument isn’t reality based. It’s just neckbeard incels on Twitter trying to cope :slightly_smiling_face:


He also has to of course win the GOP Primary first, and that’s far from nailed on, and it’s a much harder spin that that’s the Dem’s fault if he doesn’t (not that they won’t try of course).

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His main competitor Ron DeSantis hasn’t even officially announced, yet has begun getting endorsements from hardcore MAGA politicians like Chip Roy of Texas.
DeSantis is still young and may decide to not challenge Trump and wait for 2028. But if he does enter the race Murdoch is going to go full in supporting him, which counts for a lot in right wing circles. Trump will always have the AltRight and QAnon crazies locked in, but the FOX propaganda machine can do a lot to swing the old whites that are the current Republican core.

Actually, in some ways a DeSantis presidency would be the worst possible outcome. Someone with horrible policy ideas but actually focused enough on the job (unlike the chaotic narcissist former guy) to get them rammed through.


Didn’t say he would win anything, just how he would try to play it.

I think he and his rabble are on a hiding to nothing but will make a lot of noise while they’re doing it.

Trump will die slowly but the toxic politics he has blazed will sadly continue.

Everything he’s done is straight out of the Jim Trafficant playbook.