Donald Trump finally announced as some massive in-joke (Part 2)

US S&P market at an all-time high.
Portfolio values are up.
Tax rate decreases.
Most retailers in the US have seen gross margin increases.
US economy added 216000 jobs in December 2023.

But Biden is the 'worst US President ever". Worse than Obama was? That depends on which group of fanatical Trump-humpers you listen to.

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There’s no point trying to directly rationalise it, they’re fully signed up to a cult and embracing the brainwashing.



He may get it lowered. He thinks he’s actually going to relitigate the case :rofl:
He really scraped the bottom of the barrel for legal representation in this trial.

Hopefully he stiffs her on payment :clown_face:

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He’s deffo stiffing her. He’ll count that as payment,


How about Melania?

“To something Trump hates” . . .


That’s a cool $83 million Eric

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Corrupt, dishonest, self serving, slimy, odious cunt, I have read somewhere, I wonder if there’s any truth in what folks have said.
Oh, and he looks as if he’s curling one out when he smiles (personal observation)


He has delayed things though. If it is not done before he becomes president( if that happens) then they cannot prosecute the president.

There’s no actual rule that Presidents can’t be prosecuted, it’s just Department of Justice policy not to. The real danger is Trump winning and appointing a new Attorney General to quash all federal charges

The President can still be impeached though, and if he’s been found guilty on insurrection it’s going to be interesting to watch

The problem is, he delays things so long that any pending trials are stopped, as he wins the presidential election and then grants himself the total presidential immunity that the courts say he doesn’t have.
USA then becomes banana republic/handmaids tale.
You almost want to see it happen to spectate the shitshow, but you wouldn’t wish that on the good people who are there and swimming against the tide.