Early scoping out of potential DIY horns


Looks like a pair of Oris Swing speakers in Salisbury


Well spotted. I think apart from staying with AG and looking for a Duo based design, the Oris Swing are the speakers that have intrigued me for the lounge set up, but need to hear them really to appreciate whether they’re an upgrade or just different in presentation.

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see if they are amenable for a visit :grin:

To listen to the Krell lol

take your own amp along for comparison to see if the Krell is right for you :wink:

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With Krell through them you could probably hear them from Stourport.

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I can see you are an expert at this.

not me guv, an innocent bystander to such behaviour on many occasions :rofl:

such a service is even offered “our Demo room in Salisbury and you are free to come and hear it on location during the hours of 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday and 10:00 to 14:00 on Saturday.”

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Yep, ahead of you there!


I quite like the KSA50 but everything else Krell I’ve heard is overpriced wank

KSA250 and KAS-2 are my favourite Krell. FPB are not my cup of tea, nor the KAV and EVO. KSA50 is a nice amp, but the 100, 200 and 250 are some way better.

I was thinking it was a private sale but if it’s a demo room then that actually sounds promising.

How about a pair of Danley SH50 with a pair of TH50 subs? Get a local cabinet maker to line with wood finish of your choice to disguise the pro-audio look.
Sure I read somewhere that is the combo Tom Danley himself uses as his home setup.
The TH50s could be fixed to the underside of the floor, and so hidden away in your basement, venting upwards into the room.


“Get this look in Your home!”


Yes yes, that’s exactly what Hel has in mind, quick take my money :rofl:

Tell her the brick shelving is optional.

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Odds on the owner doesn’t yet realise his partner left him 3 years ago.


Is that a double stack of Esoteric on said shelving? :roll_eyes:


These are subtle. You might just get away with them without Hel noticing…

Yeah, if Redford ever needed to be her seeing dog :sunglasses:

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