Etymotic and other IEMs

Anyone got any experience of the Etymotic range of headphones? Looking to get one of the newer ER2 range as I’m going away for holidays and need something for the flights and the wife’s snoring.

I haven’t got on with these type of headphones but only used cheap £30 ish ones so far. The Etymotic look good although not sure about their fitting and how deep they need to go in to the ear canal…

Any other recommended IEM’s welcome up to about £170. Will be used with my OPPO phone running Amazon HD in to a Cyrus Soundkey.


I used ER6i headphones for commuting a few years ago. Tbh I never found them that comfortable, getting a secure fit was hard for me. I’d lick my fingers to dampen them, twist them in and still it hardly ever worked properly.

I’m much happier with my big over ear Bluetooth noise cancelling Sennheisers, but they’re not quite so good for travelling!

Not sure where you stand on refurbs but THIS is a bit of a bargain. I reviewed them donkey’s years ago for AVForums and really got on with them.


I bought these from Richer Sounds clearance for about £80.00.
Same issue as above but I just fitted new earbuds.
They are a bit fiddly and take a bit of getting used to but sound quality is superb

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Cheers for the recs. I will look in to them.

keep a pair of these in my pocket

sound good, mostly comfortable. Pretty good for the price, although I have a comfort love/hate relationship with IEMs


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also got a pair of these wireless IEMs from Sony

Dont use them much as I keep forgetting to charge them, and from memory the battery life isnt much cop.

More comfortable than the RHAs though…

Still prefer my Sennheiser over ear

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I have HD600 but I want something a bit smaller for going away

I have some metal backed Sony MDR-EX650AP

After lots of reading I ended up with these T20. Arrived this morning. Thanks for the rec.

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no problem. They are very we built, and sound nice to my ears, just I cant really wear IEMs for a period of time

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Took me 3 changes of buds to the memory foam ones, now I have them actually in my ears they are sounding excellent,

Still takes me about 5 mins to get them in my ear properly.

took me a while to get used to them, but positioning becomes 2nd nature

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