EV Chargers?

I’m looking to get an EV charging station installed as I’m buying a hybrid. Octopus my provider have quoted a grand but that’s without any install - not sure what installation is needed? It’ll be in a garage in my drive.

It will need its own feed in the consumer unit so it depends if you have spare capacity there. Ours also has an isolator switch in line, but I think the ones now won’t need their own earth connection like our old Zappi.

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I’d be tempted to get a UMC-style charger and charge off a mains socket. At 10A it will take between 3 and 4 hours to fully charge most hybrids.

Will save you a lot of money.


I hear bad things about Octopus’ charger app, so research carefully if you go the install route.

Given PHEVs don’t need the proverbial gigawatt charger, Mark’s suggestion sounds highly sensible :ok_hand:

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It possibly depends on the size of the battery for whether a charger (and the EV tariffs that go with it) are important.

May also be worth making sure that if you do go down the granny charger route that the wiring for whichever socket you use is up to snuff.

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Thanks Mark good suggestion, a lot cheaper as you say.

A thousand quid is a lot of electrons.

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Expanding the remit of this thread somewhat - Epic Fail from BT (whodathunkit?!)

TBF BT R&D is very good so I doubt if it was a blind decision.

Never a great idea to run KW’s of power near copper comms cables though