Exercise bike recommendation

Daughter wants an exercise bike to use when she’s at home and I figured I could do with the exercise. From experience the cheap ones are a waste of time but not sure I want to sign up for an expensive monthly direct debit.

Any recommendations for something in between (£500 ?). Needs to be comfortable and suitable for shorter folk (just over 5 ft).

There was a “gadget Show” esq (but not actually The Gadget Show?) on telly last week that reviewed three inexpensive EB’s and all three of the testers (scantilly clad fit young women :shushing_face:) agreed on a winner. Sorry I can’t be more specific, but my memory fails and I have no idea of the show title of channel it was on! :man_facepalming:



Thanks, I’ll see if I can find this.


“Shop Smart, Save Money”…Channel 5, Wednesday 13th perhaps?


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The noise does tend to go through wooden floors to the room below. Had one years ago and downstairs neighbour complained, and thats in a property with pretty good sound installation between floors(double joists etc).