Existential stick or twist

Must … resist … (bangs head on desk).


I really thought that would be enough bait :man_shrugging:t3::rofl:


You are an abomination unto Nuggan!

Get thee hence and acquire some OCDs!!

He has plenty. What he doesn’t have is much self-awareness…

I also did something like this:


… but with razor blades. I also only wear M&S underwear and found a recent change not to my taste, wear the same clothes over time and look for more-or-less the same thing when they wear out. Being in the Service for quite a long time and wearing exactly the same clothes every weekday worked well for me…

Coming to Canada was very interesting - it has taught me that different things can also be good (winter clothing, shoes, cafe/restaurant/supermarket food) and is helping me to avoid following a bit of an inward spiral…

Well it’s easier to read other people than yourself most times. Or at least think you can :arrow_up: :roll_eyes:

Jeez, the AA spectrum is alive and kicking.


Yeah I’d hate to run out of razor blades


I really fucking like this thread.



Well you have to keep the wife’s bikini line to trim somehow. She can get through a pack of them in one sitting.


I’m a bit ashamed to be so set in my ways but this is my lockdown life:

Regular Nescafe on rising
Weetabix every morning at 9am
Toasties toast, Lurpak butter and Waitrose Essentials apricot or raspberry jam at 10.30am
Mid morning dog walk
Boiled egg on toast or cheese and ham toastie for lunch at 1pm
MId afternoon snack - Nescafe and Cadburys Mini Roll
Mid afternoon dog walk
dinner at 7pm
Post dinner dog walk
Evening snack at 10pm - coffee and bowl of cheerios or frosted wheats
Late snack of pretzels followed by a tangerine or clementine around 11.30
Off to bed between 1 and 2 am.

Shopping habits:

clothes: mail order from the GAP
shoes: mail order from Campers
coats: mail order from North Face
bedding, towels and soft furnishings: Mail order from John Lewis
groceries: delivered on rotation by Sainsbury’s, Waitrose and Tesco*
Colgate toothpaste
Wilkinsons Sword razor blades
Gillette sensitive shaving foam
Pantene shampoo
Andrex toilet paper
Daily vitamins: Omega 3 fish oil capsule, vitamin D and 1 multivitamin pill

etc, etc ad nauseum until I die

*because variety is the spice of life :grin:

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Part of me is quite envious.
I have no patterns based on times of the day. Shift Work put paid to that years ago.
I still like the variety, but the disrupted lifestyle is tough for someone riddled with OCDs.

Don’t be. You have a life.

Fuck !! Seriously, is this really how people live their lives ?

Still, I guess the positive is that you’re already ready for when the Government of Oceania takes over.

Standard Nescafé
Throws phone at wall


It is since I gave up on drugs, booze, fags, joints and women.

I’m hoping to get back to the Celtic once covid has receded. :four_leaf_clover:


Don’t knock it mate, most of us are of an age where whatever hauls us through the day like an emotional tugboat and keeps us above the grass is a Good Thing.

Keep-on keeping-on y’all :ok_hand:


Fucking Heinz :poop:

Mods in the morning when they find a “best weed vape” thread…


While we’re on the subject, what drives me up the wall is when people make my possessions part of their habit / ritual.

For example I took a toastie maker to student digs in Hammersmith. Flat mate makes a cheese toastie (with a glass of Coke) every, fucking, day. 7 days out of 7. If he was out he’d come back to the flat so he didn’t miss his cheese toastie. Made with my fucking toastie maker. Fuck off.

When I worked just outside Edinburgh I would buy a copy of the Scotsman to read on the train on the way out. After a while a colleague asked if he could borrow it at lunch time after I’d finished with it. He then came earlier and earlier and ended up demanding why I hadn’t finished with “the” paper when he wanted it. Didn’t like it when I told him he should buy his own bloody paper if he was so invested in it.

Current pet peeve, little old lady on my estate walks up to Tesco every day. Fine. On the way back she sits on my (brand new, very expensive) garden wall for five minutes. About 20 yards from her own house. Every day. It’s not necessary, it’s a ritual. So why rope my house into it? Piss off.

Ah, that’s better.

I’m an only child and I’m bloody NOT sharing my toys.


Try owning a small patch of land with a public right-of-way across it and a riverbank…

I am pretty fucking sick of yelling at off-lead dogwalking wankers, twatty feral teens, and utter tossers who enjoy hurting fish for fun…


PS: I’m not even an only child, just a cunt.