
Him? Given-up alcohol? That’s got to be a health scare…

Her at the moment. But it’s only a matter of time :smirk:

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It would be extraordinary if a little bunch of pervs end up being the downfall of Facebook. Whatever would Sodders do then?

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Slightly harsh way of referring to MPs.
Take it you are talking about this?

Yes, in the Guardian it says

The documents seized were obtained during a legal discovery process by Six4Three. It took action against the social media giant after investing $250,000 in an app.

What they fail to point out in the article is this:

Six4Three, which has been engaged in a yearslong legal battle with Facebook, were the makers of “Pikini,” a controversial app that allowed users to find pictures of their friends wearing bikinis.


If I feel the urge to see images of Stu or Matt in bikinis I normally just ask them. They’re usually willing to oblige.


Fucking priceless. this company gets the docs off FB thanks to a US Court Order and a Sergant at Arms from Parliament just gets them off one of their executives who happens to be in the UK.

In the menatime, FB bleats like a twat.

Got to love some of Parliaments less used powers.


Good article. :+1:

Yes, good article.

Even more interesting is I used to deliver the paper edition of the Toronto Star as a kid in the 60s. Different system over there. You worked for the paper and only delivered it’s newspapers, magazines etc. We’d all meet in the car park of the local shopping centre on a Saturday morning to get paid, I’d then spend it all on Marvel comics and sweets. Happy days.


I’m going to delete my Facebook account in a few days. Not to make any point, just because I think they collect too much data on me, and haven’t kept it securely.

Google are, if anything, worse, but I use their services much more deeply and would struggle without them. But still I may look at gradually moving away from them.


I wonder if poeple would actauly pay for facebook as a service? The pay option meaning no data collection and storage etc? Just a thought.

They would still do it and lie. It’s the American way.


Google are definitely worse and it’s too late, sucker. They already know you’re Mr Perv.


Yeah, true. I’m looking at how I can get away from them, but it will be hard.

I’m thinking of running an email server myself and moving away from Gmail. There are other calendar and note apps, but then there’s maps.

Real ball ache tbh

One small change I’ve made is to use this as my default search engine - a drop in the ocean but makes me feel slightly better when browsing for porn :grinning:

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Gmail - “we read your mail so you don’t have to.” :rofl:

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In my case. Gmail - “We read your mail so at least someone does”


Just buy yourself a cheap domain name, and set up some cheap hosting, and there is your emails sorted; as many as you want, and not connected to your provider.
£18 for a year, including domain name, and hosting.

The Gentleman’s version of AA on the dark web is nearly complete, I wondered where Mr.MWS had got to. It’s pretty much like this place but the cock punch thread has been upgraded with a bit coin interface to: Buy a bazooka / rent a psycho or hacker. The ‘What are you watching’ thread is much improved as you can actually watch each other covertly via all electronic devices. The what are you listening to thread has received a similar upgrade with bugs placed in all hifi dealers homes for shits and giggles. eBay stuff will be changing to a scammers only portal. Various body parts will be available now in the ‘slaughter house’. Feel free to make suggestions …