The day we visited the temples at Abu Simbel the Egyptian army, who checked you onto and off the road if you went by road, said it was 108F in the shade, which I reckon is 42C. There wasn’t any shade. Except in the temples. Very dry heat though, so not too bad.
Houston (same latitude as Cairo, but with the hot-tub Gulf of Mexico nearby) could have days and nights in the mid-90s (35C) with the humidity well north of 90%. They say the worst thing about the hurricanes, which are powered by these sorts of conditions, is not that they can blow your windows in but that they take the electricity supply out. So your air-con is gone. The rattly air-con in our cheap apartment used to keep us awake, so we would let it dry the apartment air out and then turn it off and just lie under the ceiling fan. Surprisingly effective.