Feckin' Weather

3c here and cloudy. Just had a very brief flurry of sleet, but temperature is due to drop tonight and snow is forecast.

Watching the news and the reports of the ‘beast from the east’ it’s a fucking joke. 30 or so years ago we just called this ‘winter’ and no schools were closed, everyone just got on with it. We’re all far too mollycoddled.


Was it 1978 there was a monstrous amount of snow, and it lasted for ages?

I remember a snowman that was around for fucking months afterwards. Now that was a proper winter.


I remember walking home from school aged 11 because the bus couldn’t run and the drifts were up to our necks, we did the sensible thing and jumped in :smiley:


Was the Winter of 81/82 IIRC. My folks were having work done on their house so we went to Lanzarote because the heating was fucked. Arrived back into a blizzard at 7:00. Took nearly 4 hours to drive home from the airport (was normally a 1/2 hour drive). Was talking to my elder sister about it last night.

EDIT: date corrected

Yes,Christmas 78,15 of us were stuck in North Devon,on the steep lane to the farm we were staying at,it was between 8 foot,down to 4 foot from drifting.When it came down,it covered a dustbin in around 30mins…unreal

We had to wait til they cleared all the major roads before they came for us 5 days after it starte

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The schools just sent you home in those days, it was a few miles and had to cross a busy A road. Another time we were sent home a lad from my year was killed crossing the road. We are over cautious these days but sometimes with good reason.

You Win at being middle-class :ok_hand:

Think it was '78 cos I was still just about at school, and recall the dog-turd bejewelled giant snowballs that were around for 2 or 3 weeks.

No circumstances ever existed in which our school shut down, albeit we were in Dorset, so not exactly Britain’s harshest climatic corner…

PE / Games is what sticks in the mind - bright red legs from the biting wind which some cunt invariably kicked a football at, inadequate nylon sports kit - our playing fields were on the floodplain of the Dorset Stour, and would flood from ankle-deep to 4’ in places - made no odds, we still had play. It was one of the deciding factors that got me playing rugby, cos you were almost never stood still compared to footy (which I was very shit at). Backfired when the proper cold stuff came and the pitch was permafrosted a foot deep - like playing on giant brown Artex: LOTS of broken bones every year and no-one ever batted an eyelid.
Most sports “lessons” had just the uni intern supervising 2-4 activities simultaneously cos the sports master was usually in a shed somewhere balls-deep in one of the 5th form girls or supply teachers… Common knowledge and I don’t remember a single Picoshit ever being given.

God I feel/am old… :skull:

Yes 1978. The building site I was working on in Newton Aycliffe recorded -14c one night and the snow lasted for yonks.

Getting to the pub every night was hard work for a couple of weeks, but achieved without exception.


Didn’t get much snow at all in 1978. It was the Winter of 1981/82 in Dublin that was the good one.

I do remember the joys of rugby on a frozen pitch. The stud holes in the mud froze to a very fine grade of grater which used to be very nasty if you were unlucky enough to slide across the top of it. I played full back so have unhappy memories of waiting for the high ball as it swirled out of the sky with the opposition flankers pounding towards me. Woe betide you if you dropped the fucker and Father O’Donovan remembered about it afterwards. Being trampled and battered by a group of psychopaths masquerading as the breakaway forwards from the other team was infinitely preferable.


Getting frisky in the Wharf

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Snowbound hounds and token idiot…


you moonlighting as a lollipop lady?


Hi-Vis legs too FTW. Did you have to wear two pairs of socks with your sandals?

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Shorts,you nutter

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postie/binman/etc. ad naus.

yeah sure

if you’ve seen my moaning about local driving standards, plus the fact there are almost no pavements in this area, you’ll understand the hi-viz

Dead below the waist (and above the neck), so saves on cloth.

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sunny on campus

Looking a bit parky there. I expect BBC and Sky Outside Broadcast teams will arrive shortly. It’s almost Snowmageddon.

We have have snow at last. And the Sun is shining.

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