Feckin' Weather

41C in the car this afternoon.

Your office is hot in the winter

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Bit of an extreme approach to weight loss. Just lob some bin bags on.

No air con at home. All smugness will soon be sweated out :smiley:

It’s lovely here, 24-25C :sunglasses:

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I’ll get it out of the safe and head on down.

Brrr! Hope you took some jumpers with you.

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Ruislip Lido?


Had the doors and all windows open for an hour and it’s cooled down a bit now

One downside to having your roof done in the summer is the scaffolding prevents you from opening the windows more than an inch. Also surprising how much more heat you get without tiles, ceiling and insulation. :sweat:

Downside of having a black car yesterday.

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You need to get that dandruff sorted Stephen :stuck_out_tongue:


The general direction is “off”, I believe you can fill in the rest.

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Been in a meeting all mornmorning in a building with AC to get back and find this by my desk

Despite me asking colleagues to open my Windows and switch on the fan, they forgot.

An institution as big as a university must have portable AC units.

they hire them in these days, same as electric oil filled radiators in the winter for extra heat.

get one of the student girls to dress up as an egyptian and fan you all day long for extra credits then :wink:

students are gone, apart from MSc and PhD ones.

That may actually increase my temperature…

That would take some explaining at the next ethics committee meeting :smile: