Films that you've seen on acid

This is true. Over an 8 year period, I tried anything and everything. My band’s management was our dealer. All excellent grade shit. Acid trips that lasted 3 days. 8 hour (clean) buzz from Smack.
Charlie was free, H - a few dollars and everything else was normally supplied post gig.
After that it was homegrown weed (legal in South Oz) and occasionally Speed.
20 years ago, all things Class A went out the window when I joined an organisation with Drug & Alcohol testing.

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Not really. During my years of heaviest drug use I had some friends that were straight as an arrow.
I never recommend drug use to anyone, but I also wouldn’t change a thing I did. No regrets and I actually saw and learned some things about life and people that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise. Some of it was even damn good times that will remain in my memories forever.

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Replace Event Horrizon with Texas Chainsaw Massacre with the added bonus that they employed someone to swing a working chainsaw on a rope from the foyer roof over the heads of the waiting cinema goers!

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Do tell. Event Horizon is one of the very few movies that actually creeped me out.


Exactly! So imagine that, severely heightened by a headful of hallucinogenic mushrooms, on your own in the cinema. It was SERIOUSLY intense and unnerving… but at the same time profoundly beautiful in its eerieness. Then afterwards I went home and fell into a fitful half-sleep where I relived the film all night, from the inside. By the next morning, I was in a right state. Them was the days…