Formula E 2018/19

I’m going to try and watch it this weekend on the BBC. I’m willing to give it a go, the cars are faster and will actually last the entire race and they look a bit cooler…

My previous attempts at watching it have ended badly, usually before the race actually starts.

Question is who will win?



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I changed the title to reflect my hope that this can be a regular addition to “interesting” Motorsport.

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Cheers Terry, the link is worth clicking just for the lovely CGI car assembly process thing.

It is. I was looking at the Spec a couple of months ago and found it more interesting than previously. The compromises in the first couple of seasons were a real turnoff. The mid-race chassis change, although necessary, just smacked of contrivance.

They seem to have addressed most of these compromises but have managed to retain the whiny noise (ho-hum).

I’m hoping for some proper racing which was suggested as possible in previous seasons.

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Well that was very entertaining. I like the format and the “boost” zones add an interesting spice. The racing was great, rubbing stylee racing is odd to see with pseudo open-wheelers but adds to the excitement. The McLaren sourced power units achieved what was needed with power to spare.
BBC (?) coverage was good except for the host sticking his Mercan two cents worth in at inappropriate moments.

All in all a great event and I’m sucked in.
Narelle enjoyed it too and is talking about going to the race in Marrakech.

Damn you milk floats, you are going to cost me money :angry:

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Yeah, I enjoyed it too, much much improved, it went by quickly which more than can be said of quite a few F1 races…

Yes this, the only real down side in the coverage I think.
I’ll be watching some more!

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170 mph for up to 45 mins , how technology has moved on

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Is that how fast they are?

I only saw the highlights but I thoughtthey looked slower than Formula 3, didn’t give me even the slightest of hardons, TBH

Marrakesh up next, Saturday 12th of Jan.

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BMW snapped defeat from the jaws of victory!

Piquet finds history repeating it’s self…

Good race though, and VERY tight at the end.

Not a bad race for milk floats. The power reserve at the end got a bit…err…tight.

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Watched the Paris E-prix yesterday.
Rain and lots of sliding around and crashing.
