Forum Funding

Thanks. I’ll check. Thought I’d used the regular payment set-up

Ah, if you want the direct payment link then it’s

The actual email address behind it I can PM you if that’s easier, but I’d rather not post it in the open

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A few pounds sent Jon

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All sorted now. My fuck-up :roll_eyes:


Payment made re the ESD Grounding plug :+1:


Payment for the kindness of someearth stuff, thanks paul

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Had a couple of misguided-if-well-meaning souls send me money for the ESD stuff, now transferred to forum funds :ok_hand:


Payment sent in recognotion of Gyroscope’s generosity
Cheers Guy :+1:

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A bro helped me out with a thing in a place so, money in the slot.


Funds are running low again guys. I need to see if Paypal will show me the specifics but I think some of the recurring donations have stopped. If you feel you can send something, that would be great:

I’ll drop something in tomorrow.

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Funds added :+1:

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Sent two bob👍

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My recurring went through OK for December. I’ll keep a look out for January’s payment

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Mine too.

Cheers guys, that makes a big difference.

BTW, one person has contacted me about making a contribution but not wanting to use PayPal. I’m happy to PM account details to people if they are in the same boat.

I will up my subs Jon. Haven’t increased it since we started.

It will probably mean having to cancel and set up a new PayPal because their recurring payment thing is just weird.

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Few quid sent

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