Forum Funding

Ok, PMs sent to everyone who has asked up to this point.

And just to re-iterate how grateful I am to everyone for their contributions. This place is a massive sanity lifeline, and much as I would love to be in the position, I cannot float the money myself, so these contributions are huge in their impact.


Ok, cancelled both PayPal recurring payments, combined them and added a little bit.

Now set up as a standing order, payable monthly, starting tomorrow.

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My guess is that payments are not happening.
I get a confirmation email every month from paypal on my recurring payment

Yes, I do too.

Mine is still going through PayPal on 24 th. Happy to switch to bank transfer if you prefer.

Think mines still working but happy to DD

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ditto, just let me know the bank details for DD

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Same here. Happy to ditch PP if that helps with the coffers

Upped my monthly donation.

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Chucked a bit in the pot.

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I can set up dd Jon, though pp takes the contribution every month.

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I’ve got a £25 Horsham Coffee gift card that was for the Lopwell raffle that @Ruprecht was planning but it didn’t happen (probably down to a meat/beer overdose) so it is on offer here for a forum contribution.

I can email the ‘card’ but be aware it was bought in September so probably best to redeem it sooner rather than later.


This was the only donation to the Raffle…A new low, even for the many that aim to disappoint. Bravo.

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Latest PP payment has just gone through

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Funds forwarded to this gentleman’s club. Then again I’ve seen the word gentleman printed on toilet doors :roll_eyes::grin:.


£50 in the kitty in return for Ben @Bolts very kind donation of printer, as per the Bazaar thread.


Thanks to @A_Touch_of_Cloth generous donation of watch :ok_hand:


Bravo to both of you.
P.S. He’s offered me a bucket, one careful owner.
Should I take him up on it?


Not if it’s empty - you want the full “National Treasure” experience or nowt :ok_hand: