Forum Funding

Does this still work Jon? And do you get charged fees?

Iā€™ve lost track with the recurring payment thing. I think some of the early subscribers had the choice of making it family and friends and missing the fees, but that seems to have disappeared

Have just upped the monthly sub.
I found it impossible to change the payment on paypal so cancelled the old one and set up a new one.
If standing order is better for you John then please PM details and I will set that up

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That link still works

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Upped my standing order.

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Me too please. I was set up but cancelled it to up the monthly payment and then the button disappeared.

If I could, I would.
But I canā€™t, so I wonā€™t.

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I can change to s/o if it helps.


Ā£20 in for SUT sale :+1:

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On the topic of funding - whatā€™s the recommended monthly sub these days?

Thereā€™s deliberately never been one - I want people to be as free as possible, and not feeling obliged to give a certain amount. Some subs are 1ā‚¬ per month, most are about 5ā‚¬, and then some people Chuck in a lump once every 6 months or so.


Thanks just didnā€™t want to feel out of line


Totally forgot about this.

Many, many thanks to @Kevin for the use of his slide scanner. Itā€™s been getting some serious use. So, money in the slot.

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Very late donation into the pot for @Waxy minidisc player.


Tenner chucked in the pot for SUT postage - thank you @Bolts!


Attempting to buy back respect lost by the CDs requested from @Gyroscope.

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Your periodic nudge to those who like to send an occasional contribution vs a monthly one - again, thanks to everyone who pitches in and helps cover the costs of this place, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s the only thing thatā€™s kept my sanity hanging on by a thread over the last few years.



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Just bunged a bit on top of monthly payment.

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Just put a few pounds in

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