FS: Shahinian Arc mk1

Perfect working order but cosmetically not the best. The wood finish has faded in places and they have a few scratches and marks on them. The grills are a bit tatty as well, the pictures are a fair representation of the condition.

I bought them a few months ago to see if they’d help with off axis listening (I have to sit well out of the sweet spot) and they do but they don’t have the life and energy I’m used to with the Bastanis.

I’ve decided to build a set of Pi speakers (3π) that use a big woofer and compression driver with a 45° by 90° waveguide which should help with off axis listening.

So I’m after £650 collected from Sheffield (or meat wagon if there is such a thing)


How old are the passives in the back, has the foam/rubber hardened much?

The back of the Arcs? No they feel fine to me and I think they’re doing what they’re supposed to…I’ve very little experience with them in all truth but the surround feels supple to me and they move as I’d expect them too

Ah ok, they go tacky and harden after a few years and those look like early 90’s ones from the drivers. Do you know the serial numbers.

Trying to talk myself out of it but love Arcs :slight_smile:

They’re an early model but I thought the passives were an original fitment so the same age as the speakers


1993/4 :slight_smile:

I like them but I’ve got an itch to scratch and want to build another set of speakers. I’m used to high sensitivity speakers now and they just do some stuff differently and I really like the sound of high efficiency speakers with waveguides (like the Bastanis).

Oh they’re very much an acquired taste and you won’t find many fans here :rofl:

They’ll go quickly on pfm at that price though.

Just trying to organise a wam taxi as I’m at the opposite end of the country :frowning:

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Is there anyway I can give you a better idea of the condition of the passives?

I’m busy tomorrow and Friday morning but can try and get them back out after that and do a video or some close up photos.

I see Rick and Tim fairly often and am visiting South Wales on Monday the 3rd of February if either of those things help

Jack NSM is picking up something from Mike Pickwell in Sheffield and then heading down to mine so I’ve asked if he can grab them.


Great, let me know how you get on, postcode is S8 9EE

Sold on pfm, thanks for the photo tip Chris

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