Fucking with logons

I don’t like it.

Changing user names and similar basically says to users that you have access to their personal data and will fuck with it. It frankly breaks all the fundamental rules of data management. I don’t agree with it. To some people it is fun. To those of us who deal with this stuff for work, it’s anything but.

Sorry guys. I loved the fun, but you do not ever fuck with my personal information. Not ever. I’m out.


That is, I believe, the first flounce from the AA, apart from Flouncy McFlounceface who I not sure ever really flounced anyway…

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Yeah, really funny.

Accessing and changing personal information is a real turnoff for me. Sorry if you consider that a flounce.

The wigwan has died the death. This could have been the replacement, but you can go too far. You have.

Apart from your username, nothing has been accessed. Only a Mod can change that.

You have over reacted. Give yourself chance to calm down.
Then join in.


If I’d signed up somewhere as “Wankah” (presumably while on some drugs), I’d be begging someone to change my username.

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Yer a lovely man. Take a deep breath.

All user names should be anonymously shuffled once a month for a short period (Everyone posts as another member) this would add a little picante to proceedings and probably boost content quite nicely.


My original user name was not accepted. As above. Thanks to all. I love some of you, accept most of you and dislike a few. I will not accept having personal information messed with. If you think that’s me throwing one, that’s your choice. It’s a line crossed as far as I’m concerned. Fun is fun, fucking with stuff that should not be fucked with is not.

No flounce, much as you’d love that. I just don’t think this is right.

Get a proper job, data protection is up there with the IA security jobsworth fucktards and H&S cunts.

Be a shame if this thread descends any further.


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Your username isn’t personal information, chief.

Thought it was design that usernames change as you level up. AA = Pokemon Go with increased THD.

But you’ve been posting away merrily Rich, since one of the mods changed your user name - why did you wait til now, didn’t you notice it at first? Me confus.

Is it possible to sort Richards’ username out and we all have a big hug?

Be lovely that would. A big hug.

Just change it back :+1:

Voila! :thumbsup:

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As a politico, surely fucking with people’s personal lives is de rigueur.